My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Let Me Tell You a Story How

Let Me Tell You a Story of How

My new lawnmower was used by God to help and touch other peoples' lives.

Psalm 37 verse 23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way."

On March 2, 2006, the time was right for me to buy a new lawnmower. I had been praying about this decision, and finally the Lord gave me the go ahead. My old lawnmower was still running, but had several thousand hours on it. It is a 22 horsepower, 50 inch cut, Yard Pro Garden tractor. I had mowed many acres of grass with this faithful machine.

I went over to Lowe's and looked at their lawnmower/garden tractor display. The green John Deere looked nice; so did the red Troy Built one. However, my eyes were drawn to the orange Husqvarna 24 Horsepower 48 inch cut garden tractor. When I inquired about the price, the salesman said, "It is on sale and comes with a dump cart, too." This was the one the Lord wanted me to have, so I bought it, loaded it on my trailer and headed home. As I drove by the Dollar General store, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Go in there". I stopped, and went inside. There at the front was a brother in the Lord that I have not seen in quite a while. We had fellowship in the store, and I told him about my book I had written (My Walk with the Lord). He wanted to buy a copy, so we walked out to my truck, and I gave him a copy. He also commented on my new Husqvarna garden tractor.

I went on home, pulled my trailer in the yard, and was doing some things under my barn when I heard a vehicle pull up. It was the man I had just talked to in the Dollar General store. His wife was with him. He said, "Both of us started reading your book, and were blessed. I came by to buy another copy. I didn't know exactly where you lived, but I saw that new orange lawnmower on your truck so I knew you lived here." We had some more fellowship, and then we joined hands and had prayer and the Lord's presence was so sweet.

I needed a hitch built to attach to the rear of my new garden tractor, so I went over to a friend of mine who had built my last hitch. I pulled into his yard, and he was sitting at his outside table. I explained to him what I needed, and he said he just did not feel up to building it, but recommended someone else. I looked closely at him, and could tell that he didn't feel so good. I had previously talked to him about the Lord, and how short life can be, and how troubles can suddenly come our way. He asked what I was going to do with my old lawnmower, and I told him I might sell it, but wasn't in a big hurry to do so.

When I left there, the Lord spoke to me, and said, "He is sick and does not have much longer on this earth. I will give you an opportunity to talk to him and to pray with him." Tears welled up in my eyes when I heard these words, I felt the Lord's compassion and love for this man.

I went to the machine shop that was recommended by my friend, and told him what I needed. Later that evening, I went by to pick it up, and was talking with the owner and his wife. I knew the wife's family from years ago when my Daddy used to preach at our old home church. She had a brother who was killed in a wreck and I was a pallbearer on his funeral. I was in the sixth grade, and he was in the fifth. She also had another brother, a year older than me. We had worked together as teenagers helping a local farmer. He went off to Vietnam and over the years I had not seen too much of him. He came on my mind and heart strongly, and I was going to ask about him. This family held fond memories for me. Anyway, my hitch for my new garden tractor was finished, and I went on back home. Two weeks later, I attended this other brother's funeral. He was 55.

I took my new lawnmower to my neighbor's and let him look at it. As we were talking, he told me some things and then asked me to pray for him and his daughter. I did.

Around March 11th, I was outside by my barn, looked up, and saw a vehicle coming down the road. It was the man I first went to about building my hitch. He brought his son with him to look at my older lawnmower. We talked a bit while his son tried out the lawnmower. Afterwards, I looked at this man and said, "You don't look good, you need to go to the doctor". He said, "You are right. I probably do."

Last Saturday, I was out mowing the pecan orchard on my Ford 3000, when my neighbor walked out there and waved me down. I stopped, and he said "Have you heard about____(the man the Lord told me was sick)"? I said "No, did he die"? My neighbor replied to me that he was in the hospital and had serious cancer, stomach and other places. I drove my tractor over to the barn, switched it off, washed off my hands, got in my truck and drove to the hospital. I went into his room and two of his sisters were there seeing about him. He had an operation to remove part of his colon, and I could tell he was in pain. His spirit was good, though. I visited some and then asked him if I could pray for him. He said yes. I took his hand, bowed my head, and asked the Lord to reveal himself and show this man his great love. Our eyes were wet as the Lord's presence overwhelmed that little hospital room. As I was leaving, one of his sisters came out and told me that unless the Lord performs a healing miracle, the doctor's had gave him three to six months to live. I know that the Lord will have his way in this 50 year old man's life.

So you see, the Lord gave me a new lawnmower but it has been used for his glory. I thank Him that he uses ordinary every day events to accomplish His divine purposes.

Jeremiah 10 verse 23 "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps."

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Plate Full of Troubles

A Plate Full of Troubles

A plate full of good food is really nice and great
Especially if the food is the best you ever ate
But the same plate full of troubles piled high
Only makes you want to turn away with a sigh

If your plate was empty except for a crumb or two
How peaceful and happy that would make you
But instead the troubles on your plate are too big
If they were not so many you would dance a jig

I suppose if your troubles were only just food
You could eat them away and lighten your mood
But some troubles only the good Lord can take
And replace them with a piece of your favorite cake

Copyright 2006 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Friday, March 24, 2006

Dream of Map in the Bible, Preaching

First I dreamed that my Bible had a map that was located at Jeremiah Chapter 32. In my dream, I saw the name Hanameel in Chapter 32. The map was between plastic covers, and clearly marked off a field. Upon awaking, I read the story of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 32 verses 6-26) buying a field from Hanameel, his uncle's son. I also read the entire chapter 32. Jeremiah proclaims that "there is nothing too hard for thee:".

Then I dreamed that I was filling in as preacher for a local church (I recognized this church in my dream; it was the church where my brother-in-law pastors). In addition to the regular congregation, there was another congregation from another church there. These people were more reserved and fancily dressed than the regular congregation. They had brought their own pianist, and he had picked out some songs from their denomination hymnal that I did not even know. I approached the podium in front of the audience (I was not behind the regular pulpit). I opened my old preaching Bible (the one with gray leather covers that I had preached out of from 1988-2002). I was dressed in blue jeans, a blue plaid flannel shirt, and white tennis shoes. I could see that the regular congregation was eager to hear my words but the other one sat there with folded arms and a haughty look on their faces. I could see that they didn't expect much from me.

I opened my Bible, and then asked some questions: "Did you know that the Bible makes reference to everyday things, and every day living"? I could see that I had their attention so I then asked, "How many of you read your Bible every day? How about every week"? Many showed their hands and I was pleased.

Before I could preach anymore, someone disrupted the service with loud talking. I walked away from the podium, went behind the choir loft, and saw a microphone. I begin to sing, "Down at the cross where my Savior died, down at the cross where he was crucified. Glory to his name." I could see the congregation responding and singing along. I then sang "O Victory in Jesus, my savior forever, he sought me and he bought me with his redeeming blood". Now, all was joining in. I then went back to the podium and preached.

Afterwards, some older ladies (in their 80s and well dressed) were sitting on plush sofas in the foyer. They all started talking to me and one of them said to me, "I don't feel so good, I think I'm having a heart attack", I reassured her, gave her some words of encouragement and then left.

In this dream also was one of my Aunts, she relayed that she had cancer and was asking for help from the church.

I then woke up.

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Deliverance, God's Timing and Faith

Deliverance, God's Timing and Faith

Many troubled people throughout the land
Are calling for help from God's mighty hand
Their burdens, troubles and trials are many
Some folks are down to their very last penny

Why not call unto me said the Lord of hosts
I am the Creator of the seas and the coasts
Nothing is impossible or too hard for me to do
Bring your concerns to me and I will help you

Just have faith in me when you pray
Wait on my timing, it may be today
I will surely help you as I have said
I care about the very hairs of your head

Trust in me with all of your soul and heart
I will always be with you, I'll never depart
Remember when I delivered you in the past
I am the Almighty my sources are vast

Copyright 2006 Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Some Bio Information

Some Bio Background
As a child, I discovered the value of reading. I read and read and read. I was also blessed to be born into a large, loving family that knew and respected God. My daddy was a country church baptist preacher, so I knew the value of prayer. I also had the knack at relating to people from all walks of life, and I was blessed to have athletic abilities. Playing sports helped me realize the importance of teamwork. I was the middle child, the only boy with two older and two younger sisters. We only had one bathroom, so I developed patience. My daddy died when I was 14, but I spent much time with him. One of the lessons he taught me was to put God first, then your family and then your country. The other one that stuck with me was how he prayed about everything. I entered the Army when I was 19 and spent almost 16 years on active duty. I worked in personnel, so I had to deal with a variety of people and their problems. This taught me the value of the person. I also had to give classes, write papers, and I still played sports. I was blessed to have three children, so I ,too, became a father and realized the importance of a father's role in their lives. People would come to me, and tell me their troubles; I was a good listener (this happened throughout my school years and while I was in the Army). I intended to make a 20+ year career from the Army, retire, and then work in the people field. Right before my 16th year of Army service, the Lord saved me, and had me get out of the Army and go preach. I stayed in the Reserves and retired as a Captain. My schooling background is mostly business, personnel and psychology courses. I managed to get two Associate and one Bachelor degree while serving full time active duty and I graduated from over 20 military schools. I took much correspondence courses because I have always been good at studying on my own. I also studied college textbooks, and took CLEP tests for college credits. This studying prepared me to study the Bible, which I have read hundreds of times over the past 19 years. All told, the Lord knew what he was doing when he called and prepared me. Time prevents me telling of all the other trials, tribulations, heartaches, and pain that have enabled me to better relate to people (the harvest as Jesus calls them), and to not be judgmental because I know only by the grace of God, I am not walking in someone's else shoes. Hope this answers your questions. Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Five Dreams on 21 March 2006

These are the five dreams I had on March 21, 2006. I woke up at 3 AM and wrote them down.

1. I was attending a reunion of some of my classmates. It was being held on Main Street. Five of my classmates were wearing lettermen jackets (blue and white) and were singing a gospel song. I went over to help them sing. I then got in line for the meal. Rodriguez, one of my high classmates who is now a millionaire, was behind me. He said, "Irvin, I read your book, and I now am saved. My eyes were opened to the truth." (The name of the book I wrote is My Walk with the Lord). Then one of my classmates who was under great suffering was brought to me by his wife. She said, "He needs prayer and deliverance". I began to pray for him, and two demons manifested. I rebuked them in the name of Jesus, and they came out of him and ran away. His two little girls said, "Now we can kiss our daddy!". In my spirit I knew he was delivered and saved.

2. I went down to a coffee colored stream that was almost completely dry. I walked on the white sand, and saw where someone had dug a shovel sized trench so the water could lightly flow. As I looked, I saw some of the water begin to flow backwards. Then I came up on the bank, looked at the horizon, and saw a huge wave of water heading my way. I was not afraid, and thought that something good (water after a drought) was coming my way.

3. I was eating dinner with some neighbors. We found a screened in porch, overlooking a lake where we sat down to eat. It was a beautiful view outside the windows. We were having a great time of fellowship. Then I went across the hallway to invite someone else. As soon as I walked in, he said, "The lights just came on...they were out until you walked in".

4. I was riding on a golfcart on a country road. I came up to a house, but the road was blocked by a one pole barrier. I had to speak into the microphone to get permission to come further. The man said, "If you are a neighbor, come on in". So I did, and it turned out to be Roy Youmans. He had lost weight, and he asked me what size clothes did I wear (I suppose he was going to give me some). I told him," Roy, I don't need any clothes, but I heard that you wife had just died. I would like to pray for you. I prayed and asked the Lord to send Roy comfort during his grief. I then begin to sing this song, "Farther along we'll know all about it, farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine, we'll understand it better all by and by. When death has come and taken your loved one, leaving your home so lonely and drear." Roy was crying and the Holy Spirit was so near. (By the way, in real life, Roy''s wife recently died. I used to go to church with him at Youman's chapel.

5. I was driving my tractor on a boggy dirt road. As I approached the crossroads where the paved road is (Youmans Chapel Road), I saw that a parade was coming by. It was Sunday afternoon. Someone motioned for me to get into the parade, but I told them I had to cross the pavement and continue on that boggy road because someone down there needed me. The parade was headed towards Youmans Chapel.

I then woke up and recorded these dreams.

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e, author of My Walk with the Lord,

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Three Minutes Until Heaven

Three Minutes Until Heaven

Somewhere in this wide world in which we live
Someone has only three short minutes to give
A loved one a last hug, a kiss and a smile
Because they have traveled their last mile

Their journey on earth is coming to a fast close
They are through with their triumphs and woes
One hundred eighty seconds to say a goodbye
Until they are with Jesus in their home in the sky

They may be young, middle aged or old and gray
But with closed eyes to the Lord they did pray
It is finished take me to my home so I can rest
I have fought a good fight and did my very best

Three minutes to gaze on the Lord in all his glory
I am sure they are glad they believed the old story
Of how Jesus died on the old rugged cross for them
So they could be forever in heaven with him

Copyright 2006 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Writer's Block

Writer's Block

My writing pen lies silent
Like a plane without a pilot
Oh that words to inspire
Would come like wildfire

Spreading hope across the land
An instrument in God's hand
Is what my pen should be
Instead it's staring at me

Will my pen ever again flow
With words as seeds to sow
I suppose there is a time to write
And a time for the pen to be quiet

Mightier than the sword is the pen
Truth has been written by many men
May my pen write some true things
To be read by peasants and kings

2006 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e