My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Monday, November 29, 2004


This is story #33 out of 50 from my book, “My Walk With the Lord”. This story is dedicated in memory of my mother, Mary Ruth Winn Rozier, October 22, 1929 thru January 7, 2001.

Proverbs 31:31 “Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.”

Mama was tired, her body was frail, and her spirit was broken. She had fought a good fight, but the battle scars were too many. She was 71 years old and weighed 71 pounds. As I briefly touch on some of the events in her life, you will understand her desires to go home to rest.

Mama and her twin sister were born October 22, 1929. Her parents, Archie and Ruth Gill Winn, named them Mary and Mildred. Aunt Mildred was tall and thin, and Mama was shorter and had more meat on her bones. They grew up in South Georgia with six other siblings. Uncle Jasper was killed in World War II so I never knew him. Her two other brothers and three other sisters were all kind and humble people. One thing about Mama’s family was the love they had one for the other. Materially they were not rich, but the good Lord had richly blessed them in the things that money can’t buy. As I write this, I can remember growing up as a child and later during my adulthood of being around all those aunts, uncles, cousins and of course grandpa and granny. Mama passed on this value of family to me and my four sisters.

Grandpa Winn died on November 17, 1963 just a few days before President Kennedy was killed. Granny died May 20, 1986. One by one their children followed them in death. As I write this today, May 25, 2003, only Mama’s twin, Aunt Mildred, and her baby sister, Aunt Ida Mae Walker, are still living.

Mama and Daddy married young. Daddy had served in the Pacific in the later part of World War II and as most young men of those days was happy to get back home and marry his sweetheart. My oldest sister was born in 1948, followed by next sister in 1949, then me in 1952, my next sister in 1953, and then my baby sister in 1956. I believe they wanted a brother for me, but it didn’t happen. I wouldn’t take all the money in the world for my sisters! They are all smart, wonderful mothers, super good cooks, and very compassionate and loving. Their names (in order are):
Shirley, Evelyn, Linda and Joanne. I always remember Daddy saying, “God has surely given me beautiful girls!”

Mama and Daddy struggled financially at first. The small 2 bedroom frame home couldn’t hold all of us. This house didn’t have an indoor bathroom (we had a chamber pot and an outhouse). I remember Mama heating water on the stove so us children could bathe in a number two washtub (a galvanized tub about three feet diameter). Daddy sold furniture and picked up odd jobs to make ends meet. Then one day something wonderful happened to him. He was born again!

Once a man becomes a new creature in Jesus Christ, he begins to pray for his family. A few years after his salvation, the Lord called Daddy to preach and he was ordained as a minister.

Daddy’s prayers for a better paying job were answered and we moved from Patterson to Blackshear. I was seven years old when we moved to a rented house with an indoor bathroom. The girls and Mama were happy!

Well, Daddy continued to pray. He wanted us to have our own place. God answered this prayer and in 1962 we moved to a 15 acre pecan orchard. We had a house, barn, chickens, hogs, cows, ducks and a good garden spot.

Daddy was pleased. He was a pastor of a neighborhood church and continued to sell and deliver furniture.

Mama was 37 when the Lord called Daddy home. There were four of us left at home. For the next ten years, Mama was a single parent. She made many personal sacrifices for us. She also trusted God and He helped her to raise us.

In 1976, she remarried a good man, Euell Deal. He only lived about two and one half years after she remarried. At 49 years of age, Mama had lost two husbands yet by God’s grace and comfort, she continued on.

In 1980, she remarried. This time, the man was not so good. At first he was; he went to church, took Mama places, and was pretty good to her. Mama was reasonably happy and content with her life.

Then the false Christian reared his ugly head. First, he started with mental abuse, then physical, and sexual abuse. Over the years, this stress took a toil on Mama. She wouldn’t talk much about it, she would say, “You just don’t know.” You see, she was unequally yoked. Here she was a lamb, and she was plowing with a jackass.

Her health begin to deteriorate. One thing right after another. She fell and broke her pelvis in four places. She experienced anxiety attacks. Her nerves were all to pieces.

Finally, in 1998, she went to live at Baptist Village, a retirement home in Waycross. Several years earlier, Mama had worked there, and she liked the place. She refused to be divorced from this “man” so she was still married. This move got her away from him. She was improving but other problems popped up and she gradually went down hill.

On January 5, 2001, I received a telephone call from Baptist Village. Mama took a turn for the worse. I went over there and just sat. It was just the two of us. I sure did hate to see her suffer so. Her breathing was labored and as I looked at her, I thought soon her labors will be over.

Around 12:30 PM, the next day, our family began to gather in her room. We would talk to her and smooth her fevered face with a cool rag. One of the staff stated, “She probably won’t last two hours.” Little did they know about the inner strength my Mama possessed. As her children, grandchildren, sisters, other relatives, and friends would come and have short visits, I knew Mama recognized the voices of the ones she loved. Later that Saturday night, around 11:30 PM, I bent over and whispered in Mama’s ear, “Mama, it’s all right to go ahead and rest. We will be fine. Tell Daddy I said hello when you get home.”

Mama hung on until her granddaughter, Erin, arrived after midnight. Her breathing became more and more labored and her fever rose. About 1:25 AM, I felt the presence of the Holy Ghost as the words of a song came to my mind. The words were: “It hurt us so to see Mama go, to be gone forever more. But before she closed her eyes in death, I heard a knocking on the door. A band of angels just walked in to take her home to glory.”

I felt a slight breeze and at 1:32 AM, January 7, 2001, Mama was carried by the angels to her new home. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

Sunday morning, I went to preach at the nursing home, and that evening we gathered at the funeral home to make arrangements. Several years earlier, Mama had wanted me to go there with her and look at coffins and make some preliminary funeral arrangements. She liked Mitchell Bowen who was part owner of the funeral home. She thought Mitchell would do (later, Mitchell ran for and won the county commissioner race. When he asked me to vote for him, I said, “Mitchell, you got my vote. Mama thought highly of you and that’s good enough for me.”). Well, I didn’t know that the funeral home had changed ownership. Blake Smith had bought it and Mama’s was to be his first funeral. Blake is a young man who is ideally suited for this profession. His genuine concern, professionalism, and support are rare in this day and age.

At the funeral wake, over 700 people came by to pay their last respects to my Mama. She had touched many lives with her quiet, humble, gentle ways. She was now reaping what she had sowed over the years.

The chapel was overflowing at Mama’s funeral service. The flowers were so bountiful and so beautiful. Mama did love flowers. I had the special honor of speaking a few words during the funeral service. I quoted this scripture: Matthew 25, verses 34-36: “Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” This scripture described Mama to a tee.

The Lord anointed the two preachers, he anointed the singing, and sent us comfort for our loss. It was a sweet service for a sweet Mama. Thank you Lord that you care for your “Little children”.

Mama still lives in our hearts and memories. Most importantly, things were okay between her and her Lord. I’ll see her again one day, never to be separated again.

Luke 2.19: “But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.”

Copyright 2003 Irvin L. Rozier

FOOTNOTE; In late November, 2003, I was interviewed by our local paper, THE BLACKSHEAR TIMES, about the publication of my book. Before we started, the reporter, Jason Deal, said, “I want to show you something”. He handed me a graduation card my Mama had sent him about ten years earlier. It was Mama’s handwriting that said congratulations upon your accomplishment. This had a double meaning to me...showed one of the people my Mama touched and it was like her saying to me, “Congrats on writing and publishing your book.”

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


The rose flower has such a wonderful smell
In this poem, a story I must tell
Roses are red, yellow, pink and sometimes peach
Many lessons of life the rosebush can teach

Look at all those shiny green leaves
Watch out for the thorns, roll down your sleeves
Spring, summer, fall and winter are the seasons
The Master grew the rosebush for many reasons

He said the rose can brighten my child's day
When the skies are gloomy during the month of May
A sweet fragrance I'll make the rose exude
The hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies I must include

They will enjoy the roses as they blossum
'Neath the rosebush, will be a bed for an opossum
He must have a shelter from the storms I send
He can smell the roses until the storms end

The Master was pleased that He had made the rose
He sent a fragrant rain to give it a dose
Of life giving water that made the rose grow
And blossum with pretty flowers like unto a rainbow

When your life is troubled and filled with doubt and fears
Look at the dew on the roses, and remember Jesus' tears
As they placed the crown of thorns upon His sweet head
Father forgive them is the words He said

The rose reminds us of this earthly life
The thorns amongst the beauty are as sharp as a knife
But the knicks and cuts are worth the prize
Beautiful roses on the table, no matter what the size.

Copyright 2004 Irvin L. Rozier

Monday, November 22, 2004

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Thanking Him for All Things


I came forth from my mother's womb in 1952
Born without clothes on my back, I was brand new
In my 52 years of living on this earth
I've had my shares of sorrow but I've also had mirth

I've lived in Georgia, Alabama and some other states
Even lived in Germany, where I bought some fancy plates
I've met many people, both the young and the old
I wouldn't trade their friendship for all the world's gold

I'm thankful to be living in the year 2004
Around my family and friends, who live next door
As I grow older, my eyes can clearly see
That life has been very good to me

I thank the good Lord for the gift of life
It is too short to be filled with envy and strife
I may not be rich in this world's goods
But I can truly enjoy a walk in the woods

I know that one day my life will come to an end
I can no longer buy clothes and my money I can't spend
I'm so thankful the Lord has prepared a better place
In Heaven above, where I can see His dear face

Yes, I'm thankful for the blessings of life
I've heard some good music, the flute and the fife
But one day I will join that heavenly band
Directed by Jesus with His nail scarred hand.

Copyright 2004 Irvin L. Rozier

Friday, November 19, 2004


This is story number 23 from my book, My Walk with the Lord

Matthew 8.9 "For I am a man under authority; having soldiers under me: and I say to this man Go and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it."

One Saturday night, I was asleep on the couch when the Lord woke me and directed me to go over to a friend's house. The command was urgent. I hastily dressed and drove over to Waycross where my friend lived. I knocked on her door but could get no answer. She was a single parent and had been experiencing many problems. Her main problem was that she had never been born again. I had often talked to her about the critical importance of accepting Jesus as her personal savior. I hadn't talked to her or seen her in a few months.

After about 10 minutes of knocking, I finally got her to come to the door. She asked, "What are you doing here?" I replied, "The Lord told me to come. Are you okay?" She looked at me in that way when I talked about Jesus. She thought I was a little off my rocker. Let me tell you, you will be called strange by the unsaved when you follow after the Lord. Well, she started talking nonsense and acting fidgety. I recognized that the devil didn't want me to be around her,

After about 10 minutes she suddenly said, "I'm so silly." I replied, "What are you talking about?" She said, "I ain't gonna tell you." After a few minutes, she finally said, "I just took 40 pills right before you came. My life is useless so I'm going to put an end to it." The Holy Spirit came on me and I said, "Devil, you are not getting this woman. I've been praying for her." I convinced her to get in my car and I drove to the hospital. They immediately went to work on her, pumping her stomach. After this procedure was over, the doctor told me if I hadn't brought her she would have died or would have kidney failure.

I called her sister and told her what had happened. My "friend" got mad at me and wouldn't talk to me for a long time. Despite this, I continued to pray for her. Her daughter had been born again in my car and the Lord was working on her son. About two years later, my friend that tried to commit suicide called me and told me that Jesus had come into her heart. Immediately, my spirit bore witness with hers that indeed she had been born again. The Lord used me to snatch her from the pit of hell. Later, her son, too, was born again.

Jude 23 "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh."

Irvin L.

Breakfast Money

Breakfast Money


I was going through some extreme financial trials. I searched the couch cushions, and found enough change to buy me a cup of coffee. I had given the last of my money to my children, who were in school at the time. I was a single parent of three children. I prayed and asked the LORD for help. I got in my truck and drove to the coffee shop....I would be satisfied with my cup of coffee although I was hungry. I pulled up and parked, got out of my truck, and there laying on the ground was a five dollar bill! I ate grits (I'm from the south), eggs and bacon, rejoicing in my heart at the goodness of the LORD.

This is just one instance of how the LORD has made a way for me over the past 17 years since I have been serving Him. Praise His Holy name!

Irvin L. Rozier email

Thursday, November 18, 2004


by Irvin Rozier
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Friday, November 12, 2004


Today I planted a watermelon seed
Planted it in hope that it would feed
Three or four little children dear to me
The ground was prepared by the apple tree
Of grass and weeds the soil was bare
The tiny seed was planted with care
With a prayer to the LORD up on high
That He would cause the seed to grow, by and by
Next to the watermelon, I planted some sunflowers
Then I waited on the LORD to send some showers
I watched the seeds spring forth and grow
One day after the rain, I spied a rainbow
It spread so mightily across the sky
This beauty was from God who reigns on high
After many days the watermelon grew with might
The sunflowers bursted with colors, O what a sight
Finally the day came when I picked the melon
This juicy fruit I would not be selling
I called my grandsons, my great nephews and nieces
Cut up the watermelon and gave them the pieces
My heart rejoiced to see the juice run down their faces
With a President or King I wouldn't trade places
To see this gift from our loving God
A juicy treat sprung forth from the sod.

Copyright 2004 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, November 11, 2004


This is a short version of story number 19 (out of 50) from my book, My Walk with the Lord,
Psalm 75. 6,7 "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another."

I was seeking the Lord for the right job He wanted me to have. I had submitted many applications, but had not had an interview. Those of you who have been through a period of unemployment can understand the frustration of this, especially with the bills piling up. However, when trusting God, we understand the value of waiting for God's timing.

As I rode by the local shopping mall, a vacant buidling nearby would draw me. Several times, I pulled up to this building and the Lord spoke to me and said, "This building is where I want you to work." I had no idea of what kind of work I'd be doing. The Lord was silent on that subject.

About two weeks later, I saw a job advertisement in the local paper. The job was for an instructor of retail sales at a small vocational school. The applications were being accepted at---you guessed it---that vacant building near the mall.

I submitted the application, was interviewed and offered the job. At the same time, I was offered a state job with more money and benefits. I did not hestitate when the Lord spoke to me and said "Take the instructor position."

Each morning before class, I would read a verse of scripture. A few students objected at first but some of those later volunteered to read the scripture for the day. After I'd been teaching for several weeks, the Lord spoke to me and said, "I want you to go to the Bahamas." I replied, "I don't have the money to go." The Lord replied, "I'll make the way to go, just be prepared to go." About two months later, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Irvin, I want you to be the head administrator of this school. Your time in this position will be short, so don't even put your name over the door." A couple of weeks later, the head administrator resigned so I assumed I'd be promoted to the job like the Lord spoke. Lo and behold, another person from corporate headquarters came to take the position. I immediately prayed and asked the Lord about this..The Lord spoke to me and said "Have faith." Three days later, the other person was gone, and I was promoted to head administrator. As part of the promotion, I received a free cruise to the Bahamas where the Lord used me in a special way - but that is another story! I held this job for a few months and then the Lord moved me on to another mission.

Daniel 2.21 "And he changeth the times and the seasons; he removeth Kings, and setteth up Kings; he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding."

Footnote....Several of my students were saved at this school, and many asked me for prayer.

Irvin L. Rozier, Captain (Retired) US Army, still serving as a soldier in God's Army

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I salute all veterans throughout the world who have faithfully served their country. November, 11 was established as Veterans' Day to honor former service members who served. Too often we forget them and in today's world, it seems as if sacrifices mean little.

I recall my small hometown having a Veterans' Day parade...the high school band would be playing, school children would line the Main Street and clap and wave as we veterans proudly marched to the beat of the drums. Several years ago, this tribute was discontinued although a lightly attended ceremony is held in the city park. The children of today are missing out on seeing and supporting sad!

From our first Armies when soldiers fought for America's freedom, through today's conflicts, men and women have sacrificed (some even their very lives) so America could remain to worship the LORD our God, free to vote, so many freedoms taken for granted!

This Veterans' Day, hug a veteran, tell a veteran thanks, and PRAY for all our active duty military throughout the world.


Irvin L. Rozier, CPT (Ret) US Army

Sunday, November 07, 2004




When you were born, I knew from the start
You were a special girl, near to my heart
Your compassionate spirit and engaging smile
Brightened my days and helped me go another mile
As you grew up and blossomed like a sunflower
You touched many lives as you rose like a tower
I asked God to help you find your calling
Protect you from harm and keep you from falling
From the age of six, you had no mom in your life
Sometimes you were filled with confusion and strife
You didn’t let these obstacles stand in your way
And now you are approaching your wedding day
I pray that you and Jack would truly be one
Help each other as your life’s race is run
Eva, I’m proud of you as I can be
You are a beautiful woman and dear to me
I love you very much and pray for the best
That God has to offer from the east to the west
May he grant you your heart’s wishes
And give you beautiful children to dirty your dishes
Put God in your home and in everything
He will bless you as you put on your wedding ring
Eva and Jack, united as husband and wife
Walk together happily on the path of life.


copyright 2004 Irvin l. Rozier