My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Ordinary Joes Can Change the World

Ordinary Joes Can Change the World

An ordinary Joe is not famous in any way

He just goes about his business day by day

You pass many ordinary Joes on the street

They are not influential enough for a politician to meet

Ordinary Joes live their lives, have families and work

Many of them have jobs with nary a perk

Yet deep inside they believe in their fellow man

Their Mom or their Dad is their number one fan

Ordinary Joes just want to be left alone

They could care less about sitting on a throne

But these ordinary Joes can be a powerful force

When they unite with one purpose and with one voice

God often chooses ordinary Joes for a specific task

He knows that only in His presence they will bask

Noah was an ordinary Joe, a hardworking man

When God gave him an ark to build according to His plan

Gideon's family was poor and of them he was the least

When God chose him to change the famine to a feast

Amos was no prophet, just a herdman was he

When God said go prophesy, I have chosen thee

Peter and John were ignorant and unlearned men

Yet Jesus chose them as disciples along with the other ten

The Bible is filled with stories of those that God chose

To turn the world upside down though they were ordinary Joes

2oo7 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, August 02, 2007

New Book

I received a new book today from author, Lucy A. Cain. The title is "Secure the Fort (And Remain Under God)", ISBN # 978-1-4257-7079-2, She included two of my writings in her book, "The Missing Bible" from my book, My Walk with the Lord, and one of my poems, "The Veterans Hospital". Her book contains over 30 contributing authors, and is geared towards patriotism, the military, veterans and their families. This book makes you reflect in what it means to live in America, and the sacrifices incurred to make our country free.

Irvin L. Rozier