My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Thursday, October 27, 2005



Philippians 4.19: "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

One Friday morning, I was supposed to go to a nearby nursing home to hold a service. I had been experiencing a particularly rough series of "testings" of my faith, and I was a little discouraged. I wondered how I could go preach when my circumstances were desperate. I knew that I had barely enough gas in my old Pontiac to get to the nursing home, and I had no money to buy food, let alone gas. So, I was particularly exasperated.

I said, "Lord, I'm just not going. No one appreciates what I do, and here I am preaching your word and broke as a broken door knob. On top of that, everything else is falling apart and you are supposed to help me. I'm just going to go get on that old tractor and mow. I'll forget about preaching."

I hadn't drove that tractor twenty feet, and suddenly fire shot out from the carburetor, and the tractor stopped. I said, "Okay Lord, I get the message. I'll go preach."

Someone had given me a citizens band radio, and I was thinking that after the nursing home service, I could go by the pawn shop and maybe get five or 10 dollars for it. That would be enough to buy gas to get back home.

I got dressed in one of my second hand suits, and drove on over to the nursing home. There at the door to greet me was Brother Dixon. As soon as he saw me, his face lit up, and he reached for my Bible. That was his job, to carry my Bible in his lap as I rolled his wheelchair to the small chapel. As soon as we begin singing, "Amazing Grace", the presence of the Lord filled that little chapel. The Lord gave me a message of encouragement and hope, and as the "Praise the Lords" and "Amens" rang out from those old raspy throats, and as feeble hands were raised up to heaven, I knew, that despite all the opposition of the enemy, I had won the victory and the Lord was pleased.

After the service, I drove the two miles to the pawn shop. In front of the shop, my old Pontiac spit, sputtered. and came to a halt. I was out of gas. I took the citizens band radio in the pawn shop. The pawnbroker took a look, and said, "I've got plenty of CBs, I don't need another one."

With crushed hopes, I walked out of the shop and onto the sidewalk. A middle aged woman came up to me and said, "I don't know why, but God just told me to give you five dollars." With a grateful heart and rejoicing in my spirit, I took this precious gift from God. Gas money to get back home! God made a way!

As tears came to my eyes, I thanked her and walked to the nearby gas station, borrowed their gas can, and bought the gas to make it back home.

The next day, I sold the CB radio for twenty dollars.

Hebrews 11.1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Footnote. This happened in 1988, and I am still preaching at that same nursing home. All of those at that 1988 service are no longer there, but new ones are. Brother Daryl now waits for me at the door, and carries my Bible in his lap as Brother Dixon used to do. The Lord has also brought me a mighty long way, and blessed me to have a good vehicle. I suppose that over the years, I have traveled thousands of miles to that nursing home, and since that one time, I have never again ran out of gas.


Friday, October 14, 2005



Is the word the Lord clearly spoke to me today
I studied the scriptures to see what they say
About the word suddenly and its' meaning
Give me wisdom, O Lord, upon you I am leaning

Sudden means an unexpected event marked by haste
Are you telling me, O Lord, I don't have time to waste
I must tell others about your wonderful saving grace
Before they leave suddenly to meet you face to face

Suddenly, you spoke to Moses your chosen one
And assured him victory over pharaoh would be won
Suddenly a sound from heaven came as a mighty wind
And upon all gathered the Holy Ghost did descend

Paul and Silas were singing and there was an earthquake
Suddenly how that old jail did quiver and shake
You sent a sudden word of deliverance and set them free
You did it for them and you can do it for me

As I toil along in this wearisome world below
Working for you as your precious seeds I do sow
Suddenly today the word you may strongly speak
And give me extra strength as I grow feeble and weak

Suddenly is a great word that my ears did plainly hear
Events in this world tells me that Jesus' coming is near
Suddenly one day God will speak to Jesus his son
And say go get your children, it is finished and done

Copyright October 13, 2005 Irvin L. Rozier, author of My walk with the Lord,, aka walkin2e

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Last night, I had these two dreams:

I was invited to preach at my old home church. The congregation (smaller than I remembered) was gathered in the old sanctuary. They were eagerly waiting to hear what I had to preach. I approached the pulpit, opened my Bible, and prayed. I noticed that some of the regular members were not there, but all who were there were spirit filled.

I then went outside to the new sanctuary and buildings. Other people were there, including the pastor. He came to me with tears in his eyes and said, "You ARE a God called preacher...Please forgive me for not recognizing that fact." I replied, I forgive you, and hugged his neck. All the fancy new buildings in the background were practically bare of people.

The next dream, I was by a big lake. Two turtles came swimming up to me. I had two jet skis, and I took off through the water. Two young boys (twins), were by the edge of the lake shore. One was lying facedown in the water. I went to him, saw he was not breathing, and began to revive him. Water gushed out of his mouth, he began to breath as the other twin was looking on. There were several other objects (by twos) laying around. What stood out in this dream was the number two.

Irvin aka walkin2e

Wednesday, October 05, 2005



Luke 11 verses 1,2: "Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. (It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick)."

The story of Lazarus and his sisters is a wonderful story about a strong woman of faith and her concern for her dear brother. Mary and Martha were close friends and loved their brother. He was sick, and they knew that only Jesus could heal him of his sickness. They sent word to Jesus, but he waited and did not come until Lazarus was dead...all hope was gone. Jesus raised him from the dead after he saw the grief of Martha and Mary and the Jews that were with them. Here we have the shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus wept." (John 11.35). Those sisters are an example of the love for a brother...they were concerned for him and went to Jesus for help. Sisters, pray for your brothers.

I gave this scripture background because I want to tell you of another true story of the love of a sister for her brother. I was the associate pastor of a little country church, Martha Memorial (named after Lazarus' sister Martha), for about four years. Edna was a faithful member of this church, as was one of her brothers, John. Her mama and daddy had been members but the Lord had called both of them home; her Mama went first and then a few years later, her Daddy died. I helped preach his funeral in 2001. Edna's other brother, Harold, had major health problems and lived with his Mama and Daddy. He didn't attend church very much.

A few weeks after Mr. Harold died, I received a late night phone call from Edna. Her brother, Harold, had been hospitalized, was in intensive care, and was not expected to live long. Edna asked me to go see him. You see, she was concerned about her dear brother. She said, "Brother Irvin, I know the Lord can heal him but that is not what I am concerned about...I am concerned about his soul-where he will spend eternity." I prayed with her, and then told her the Lord was pleased with her concerns and would answer her prayers.

I went on over to the hospital and stepped into the ICU room where Harold lay. He was hooked up to many machines, and looked pitiful laying there. As the compassion of the Lord welled up in me, I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Harold, it's Irvin. Your sister, Edna, asked me to come over here and see you. I am going to have church for you." He squeezed my hand, and a few tears escaped from his closed eyes. I sang him a few songs his Mama used to sing, "Precious Memories", "What A Friend We Have in Jesus", and others. I pulled out my Bible, and read him a few words about the importance of being born again. I then told him that his sister was concerned about his soul. I knew he was listening despite his weakened condition. As I went to the Lord in prayer, I asked the Lord to honor Edna's faith, and to surround Harold with his wonderful love. I also asked the Lord to raise up Harold and let him come back to the home that he loved. As I finished praying, I had the sweet peace that the Lord had heard and answered this prayer.

A few days later, Harold got better and went back home. He lived for a few months and then the Lord called him home to that great reunion in heaven. Edna's faith and love for her brother was honored by the Lord. I preached on his funeral and relayed what had occurred at the ICU hospital room. This was a great comfort to the family and was a testimony of the love of a sister for her brother.

Luke 11 verse 23: "Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again."

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier, author of My Walk with the Lord, walkin2e

Monday, October 03, 2005



I woke up this morning way before dawn
I sat on my bench by the edge of the lawn
I meditated on the Lord and his goodness to me
I am blessed to live in America where I am free

I have a tall flag pole by my little white shed
I just raised a new flag, it is white, blue and red
I saw Old Glory whipping around in the breeze
For years it has flown over the land and the seas

As a young child I held my hand over my heart
I learned the Pledge of Allegiance, part by part
I recalled that day when I raised my right hand
I promised to support and defend our great land

As I watched Old Glory gently flapping in the wind
I prayed to the Lord and asked that he would mend
Our great nation so it would not be divided and fall
I believe the Lord heard me as on his name I did call

The red of Old Glory reminds me of the soldiers' blood
Shed on foreign desert sands and in the jungle mud
The 50 white stars set against the blue background
Reminds me of God's grace that is spread all around

God Bless America is a phrase that we often hear
Repeated on many lips day by day, year by year
Indeed God has blessed America in a mighty way
Because of the many that to him do kneel and pray

Copyright 2005 (Oct 2), Irvin L. Rozier, author of My Walk with the Lord, aka walkin2e

NURSING HOME SERVICE OCTOBER 2, 2005, Waycross Rehab Center, Waycross, Georgia

I preached on Matthew 21 verses 12-46...How scribes and chief priests did not receive Jesus and his teachings but the lame, the blind, the publicans and harlots gladly received him, and they knew he was a prophet.

These passages contain very valuable teachings on prayer, faith, obedience and rejection (of Jesus by the chief priests and scribes).

I also preached on heaven, death and dying, and of the troublesome times we are living in. I touched on Joel, about the outpouring of the spirit, about dreams, and visions. I shared two dreams I had this week. I also preached on the family, it's importance, reunion time, and the table being spread for us in heaven. I read Revelations Chapter 11 about the Two witneses, and how the world hated them...the world does hate anyone who is working for the Lord. I touched on Brother Joseph who had to wait in prison until God's perfect time came. I alluded to the fact we were Pilgrims and Strangers here on the earth and our permanent home is with the Lord.

We also sang about 12 songs, had special singing, a testimony time, prayer and a time to remember those who have passed on.

I shared with them about the last hours on earth that a 86 year old friend of mine had. She had a heart attack this week, went to the hospital, her family was gathered together, she gave instructions on her personal affairs, asked her two sons to sing the song, "One Day at a Time", and then stated, "I'm through giving instructions, I am ready to cross that big river and see my family"...closed her eyes, and the angels carried her home to glory.

There was more, too, and I might add this service was from 9:30 until 11:10 AM yesterday, and the residents all paid attention, many cried, some laughed, and all rejoiced at the thought of a better tomorrow.

Little is much when God is in it.

Irvin Rozier, aka walkin2e

This message was for nursing home residents...The oldest resident attending yesterday was 104.


"And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." Gen 5.24