My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Revolutionary War Ancestors

I was recently doing some family history research and discovered that several of my ancestors served during the Revolutionary War. Some served in the War of 1812, and in the Indian, and Civil War. Here are the ones I discovered:

Through my mother's side: Irvin L. Rozier, Mary Winn (m), Archie Winn (gf), Melissa Dowling Winn (g-gm), Lazarus Dowling (gg-gf) and Civil War veteran, Darling Dowling (ggg-gf), Jabez Dowling (gggg-gf) War of 1812 and Indian War, William Dowling (ggggg-gf) Revolutionary War, Robert Dowling (gggggg-gf) Revolutionary War. Frampton Dowling history (

Through my father's side: Irvin L. Rozier, A.J. Rozier (f) and World War II veteran, Esma Manning Rozier Crosby (gm), Isham Manning (g-gf), Shadrick Manning (gg-gf), William Manning (ggg-gf), Moses Manning II (gggg-gf) Revolutionary War. Symon Manning History

Also on my father's side: Irvin L. Rozier, A.J. Rozier (f), Esma Manning Rozier Crosby (gm), Janie Elizebeth Crosby (g-gm), Aaron Crosby (gg-gf), Keziah Levisia Crummey Crosby (ggg-gm), Stephen Crummey (gggg-gf) Revolutionary War. Crosby History (

I am doing more research. but it is interesting to note that most sides of my family (Roziers, Mannings, Gills, Winns) have been in America since the 1600s. That is why I love our great country.

Irvin L. Rozier, Captain, Retired, US Army aka walkin2e

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

The saying, "God helps those who help themselves," came to us by way of Benjamin Franklin (1736). Franklin himself was a deist and so he believed that God did not play an active role in men's lives. In his point of view if man was not able to help himself, then man was hopeless.

The Bible teaches something entirely different than the above saying, because God makes special provision to help the helpless.

Romans 5:6, 8
For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly....But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Proverbs 28:26
He who trusts in his own heart is a fool,
But he who walks wisely will be delivered.

Jeremiah 17:5
Thus says the LORD,
"Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind
And makes flesh his strength,
And whose heart turns away from the LORD.

I've heard people say these all my life. The truth is, "Without God we could do nothing".

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My Great-Great Grandfather Was in the Civil War

My Great-Great Grandfather Served in the Civil War

Yesterday, April 15, 2006 I went to the grave marker dedication honoring the Civil War service of my great-great grandfather, Henry Prescott. His father was John Prescott (came from South Carolina) and his mother was Martha. He was born in Appling county, Georgia, June 21, 1839 and died in Charlton county, Georgia, on March 12, 1903. He served as a private with Company I, 27th Regiment, and company K, 54th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

The following lineage shows how I am related to him: Henry Prescott married Jane (Howard). They had nine children and the oldest was Jeanette Viola born August 28, 1866 (died September 21, 1937). She married Robert A. Gill, born July 3, 1859 (died June 22, 1931). They lived in Pierce county, Georgia, and had 12 children. Their sixth child was Ruth, born January 24, 1895 (died May 20, 1986). Ruth married Archie Perry Winn, born February 2, 1895 (died November 17, 1963). He was the ninth (of 13) child of Jasper J. Winn and Melissa Dowling.

Archie and Ruth had eight children. Their sixth and seventh children were twins, Mary and Mildred. My mother was Mary, born October 22, 1929 (died Jan 7, 2001). She married A.J. Rozier, born August 18, 1926 (died December 22, 1966). His father was James Bess Rozier born on September 15,1890 (died January 27,1933), from McIntosh County, Georgia. He married Esma Manning, born on August 2, 1896 (died July 10, 1964). Mary and A.J. had five children and I am their third child.

The marker dedication was held on the burial grounds of Corinth Primitive Baptist church located in north Charlton County, Georgia. This land was donated by Henry for a church. He and his wife had moved to Charlton county in 1880. He purchased 750 acres of land and was a farmer. Many people were there, including some great-great-great-great grandchildren. The commander of the "Seaboard Guards" gave the opening remarks followed by a prayer from the Chaplain. I then had the honor of reading a portion of scripture, Psalm 116. To read the Bible at my great-great grandfather's marker dedication, and to see the crowd of some of my kinfolks was a special blessing to me. As the ceremony unfolded, it was plain to see that even though our great country was divided at one time, the most important thing is family. After all, soldiers (being a retired one myself), come from families and will fight to defend them.

As I reflected on Henry and Jane's life, I couldn't help but to think that the Good Lord knew what he was doing when he put them together. If all of their descendants would have been present yesterday, the church grounds would not have contained them. Henry was a God fearing hardworking family man. He served as he thought best, and I am so glad he was honored for his service.

This event helped me recognize my roots, and how my ancestors carved a living from the Wiregrass Area of South Georgia. Henry's old home place is still there. It is surrounded by majestic pecan and oak trees, no doubt planted by Henry or Jane. Some of the fields he cleared are still being cultivated, and some of his descendents still live on land that Henry bought.

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Easter Lily

A true story I wrote, The Easter Lily, was selected by an investment group senior consultant to be sent to to his clients. He stated in his cover letter "I spend lots of time helping folks plan for their financial future. And while that is certainly very important, I'd be remiss if I didn't also point out that we all have a much more important future to plan for---our eternal future".

He goes on to say that my story gave him a blessing and wanted to share it with others.

Here is the story I wrote

May we all be reminded this Easter seasons that "HE LIVES!".

Irvin L. Rozier walkin2e

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Pierced Man Saved Me!

A Pierced Man Saved Me!

The scripture says that he had no beauty
To die on the old rugged cross was his duty
A crown of sharp thorns pierced his head
A spear pierced his side after he was dead

His life on earth was full of rejection and grief
From his agony on the cross he found no relief
He was thirsty so they gave him vinegar to drink
A title was wrote on his cross with bloodstained ink

The seven words Pilate placed on the cross I will quote
This man of sorrows hung dead on that bloody cross
As his mother Mary looked on and wept for her loss

Something glorious happened on the third day
His body no longer in that cold sepulchre lay
He arose from the dead and lives evermore
Left behind was the linen clothes that he wore

This pierced man Jesus saved my soul from hell
I am so happy and thankful that I could with joy yell
I know I serve a risen savior that cares for my soul
Jesus has entered into my heart and made me whole

Copyright 2006 Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Monday, April 10, 2006

Let Me Tell You a Story, Part II

Let Me Tell You a Story, Part II

Exodus 9 verse 5 "And the LORD appointed a set time, saying, To morrow the LORD shall do this thing in the land."

Years ago, when I was a teenager, Mama bought me a Farmall Super A tractor(story at
I've been wanting another one, and have been praying that the Lord would lead me to the right one.

I recently bought a new lawnmower and I knew the hand of the Lord was in it (story at I still had my old lawnmower and thought that perhaps I would sell it.

On Tuesday morning, April 4, 2006, I received a phone call from my brother-in-law, Joe. He lives in Blackshear, Georgia, nearby me, but was in St. Augustine, Florida on vacation. Joe asked me to go get his lawnmower and take it to the local repair shop. I loaded the lawnmower on my trailer, and drove to Ken's, the mechanic who repairs lawnmowers, weedeaters, chainsaws, and other small engine machines. I unloaded the lawnmower, and Ken said, "Oh, by the way, when are you going to sell me your old lawnmower?" I replied, "I'll think about it and let you know this afternoon."

I got into my Ford truck, and was driving back home when I heard an advertisement on the radio for a Farmall Super A tractor. I wrote the phone number down, and when I got home I called the number. A man answered immediately and I told him I would like to look at the Farmall. He said, "Come on". I drove the 50 miles to Douglas, Georgia, where the Farmall was located, and as I arrived, he was driving it from his shelter to his yard. I had prayed and asked the Lord if this was the tractor that I should buy. As I got out of my truck, I felt the presence of the Lord so I knew I was in the right place.

The elderly man selling the tractor was a Christian and his wife had just suffered a major stroke. The Farmall had just been sitting under the shelter collecting dust, and he felt someone could be using it. It came with planters and cultivators, and that is what I needed to maintain my fairly large garden.

We had prayer together, and then he asked me to go inside and pray for his wife. She was a humble woman and she could not talk yet she knew what others was saying. Looking at her, she reminded me of my dear departed mama. We held hands, the man, his wife, and one of their granddaughters, and prayed. As we did, the presence of the Lord was strong. Afterwards, she waved bye to me. I gave them a copy of my book, My Walk with the Lord, and a deposit on the tractor.

As soon as I got back home, I loaded my old lawnmower, and took it to Ken. He bought it for $100 more than what I was asking. The next day, I went back to Douglas and loaded up that Farmall and brought it home. As I drove it, memories of that Farmall mama bought me (and of her) came back to me. It was like having a long lost friend come home.

Since then, I went over the tractor, and replaced some worn parts. Last Friday, I planted peanuts with it. My neighbor came by and talked to me about the tractor (he has one, too) and brought me a book on ordering parts. He and I have not been too close, and I pray the Lord would use this old tractor (it is a 1953 model, same age as I am), to open a door of opportunity to share my faith in Jesus with him.

All though I had been praying for a Farmall Super A for several years, God's timing would not allow me to have one. Yet, when the appointed time came, the prayer was answered, and God used the experience for His glory. I saw the hand of the Lord in this, and know that His will was accomplished.

Galatians 4 verse 2 "But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father".

Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Some Who Laughed

I was reading about some of the people who laughed or were astonished when God answered their prayers or gave them a word that could not possibly come true. I came up with this little poem:

Some Who Laughed

Abraham laughed and said I'm a hundred years old
When God told him that a baby son he would hold
He said why my wife is ninety years old and gray
That is way too funny, her having a child, no way

The words spoken by the Lord tickled Sarah so
To think that in her womb a child would grow
She was way past the normal child bearing age
That chapter in her life was surely a closed page

Pharaoh laughed when Moses said let my children go
Moses believed even though Paraoh's answer was no
Big Goliath heartily laughed at that puny little David kid
But David won with a stone and a slingshot, yes he did

Peter's friends laughed when he appeared at their door
After all he had been bound in chains on the prison floor
I imagine some laughed when Jesus was in the grave
And said to themselves, himself he could not save

But God had other plans for Jesus as on the third day
The angel of the Lord rolled that grave stone away
Who was laughing now when darkness turned to light
Jesus arose from the grave that must have been a sight

Nothing is impossible with God on your side
He can quieten even the most turbulent tide
What impossibilty makes you laugh or smile
Believe God and answers will come after a while

Copyright 2006 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Monday, April 03, 2006

Seasons of Life

Seasons of Life

Life has many seasons and good and bad times
Happy days are like the music of tinkling chimes
Seasons of grief and sorrow have their place
They remind me of wilted flowers in an ugly vase

Spring is beautiful and innocent as a newborn
Summer is a playing child growing tall like corn
Fall is an expectant farmer reaping his harvest
Winter is a grandpa taking a well deserved rest

I've experienced many seasons, 54 to be exact
I've learned many things, both fiction and fact
Some of the people I've known are still around
But many of those folks lie silent in the ground

I've had my seasons of failures and loss
Some have turned my hair gray like moss
I've had times of joy that were special to me
A grand gift from God like honey to a bee

I pondered the meaning of life's many seasons
I concluded that our God has his divine reasons
He has perfectly created everything to fit together
He controls the times, the seasons and the weather

Copyright 2006 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e