My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


1 Chronicles 12 verse 22. "For at that time day by day there came to David to help him, until it was a great host, like the host of God."

Saul was dead, and it was time for David to become King. As a young man, he was anointed by the prophet Samuel, to be the King of Israel. However, Saul was king, and David had to fight some battles to get to the time and place where God wanted him. When this time approached, God sent help from everywhere...they were eager to make David king, and "were of one heart to make David king".

Why was this thing so? It was so because God had ordained it, and nothing could stand against His plans.

When your time of destiny comes, God will send help, and make straight the path wherein you should walk.


Irvin aka walkin2e



In June the Winn kinfolks gathered at Bobby's place
It sure was good to see the smile on his face
Bobby's house is by the peaceful Satilla River
We all appreciate Bobby, he is a giver

Bobby and Nancy cooked up some fresh fish
The rest of us brought a covered dish
Aunt Mildred and Aunt Ida Mae were there
The table was spread with some mighty fine fare

Aunt Irma's son, Alvin, prayed over our meal
The presence of the Lord you could surely feel
As I looked around I could not see
Some of the loved ones who were dear to me

We all shared memories of Grandpa and Granny Winn
We wrote some of them down with Aunt Mil's pen
Bobby and Jeanette's daddy was killed in World War Two
Uncle Jasper didn't get to see his children as they grew

Aunt Mildred's twin sister, Mary, is also my mother
They sure did love and care for each other
Mama has gone on to be with the Lord
One day we will all have to cross over that ford

I remember Aunt Hazel and her shiny chrome toaster
She always made me put my juice glass on a coaster
Uncle Archie and Uncle Leo were remembered that day
They sure loved to laugh, I miss them I do say

Thank you Bobby for giving a great gift
I sat on your dock and watched a log drift
Down the Satilla River by the old Burnt Fort
On the site of the now long gone river port

The Archie and Ruth Winn family is spread far and wide
Some were not there and missed the fish that Bobby fried
I have found memories of my many kith and kin
From that great American family with the name of Winn

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e


Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters?

Ecclesiastes 11 verse 1 "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days."

What is God telling us through this passage of scripture?

Sowing of spiritual seeds that will one day yield a harvest? Giving to others (not necessarily money but time, giving of ourselves, helping those in need, praying for others, helping our neighbors, our communities). I know when I plant corn seed in my garden, I plant in faith that the seed will sprout, will grow, and I will soon reap a harvest of golden ripe sweet corn. The LORD tells us we reap what we sow. Have faith in Him who has said "give, and it shall be given unto you".

I threw a rock in a pond. It hit one spot, but the ripples of the disturbed water spread out and eventually reached the shore. I believe the LORD is telling us to keep on working for Him..that our labor is not in vain.


Thursday, June 23, 2005



Ephesians 6:2 "HONOUR THY FATHER AND MOTHER; which is the first commandment with promise;"

After Mama died in 2001, my sister, Joanne, and I had to sort through her personal affects and papers. Mama didn't like to throw away anything, so we found canceled checks she had written in the sixties. My sister and I laughed at some of the checks; five dollars for a tank of gas, seven dollars for my high school graduation cap and gown, and the three dollar check for "farm labor". These small items brought back precious memories of our Mama and made us realize the deep love she had for her children.

One of the canceled checks she had written was for $700. It was the payment for that red 1952 Farmall Super A tractor she had bought me. I had always loved tractors(Mama said my first word was tractor) but had never had one of my own. My Daddy died in 1966. He was 40 and I was 14 and the only son (I have four sisters). We lived on a 15 acre pecan orchard and as the only boy, I felt responsible to upkeep it. That little Farmall meant much to me, and I also used it to plant and tend a large garden. Those fresh vegetables sure were good when mama cooked them. I also used my tractor to plant neighbors' gardens, so I made a little spending money that way. After school, I would come home, crank up that Super A, and ride it til dark. I loved doing this, and it helped me keep my mind clear.

In November 1971, I entered the U.S. Army and stayed for many years. My little Farmall sat under the shelter and collected dust. When I would come home on leave, I would crank it up, and ride around on it. I had to go overseas, and I knew my little tractor would just fade away with nobody to use it. I told Mama to sell it for whatever she could get out of it and to use the money for something she wanted. She sold it to her first cousin, Alvin Gill, for $500.

In 2001 after I had found that $700 canceled check, I started having thoughts about tracking down that Farmall so I could maybe buy it and bring it back home. I called Alvin and asked about the tractor. Unfortunately, he had sold it to someone and could not remember to who. I hope that somewhere out there, my Farmall Super A is still purring away bringing joy to its' owner. Mama didn't have much money when she bought me that tractor so that $700 was a small fortune to her. She knew that her son would enjoy this gift so she sacrificed to buy it.

Maybe one day, I'll run across that red one row Farmall Super A. If not, I have precious memories of it, and of my Mama who bought it for me.

James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Monday, June 20, 2005



What should I write, O LORD GOD most high
I believe your second coming is drawing nigh
I am waiting with the pen of a ready writer
To write words to make someone's day brighter

It is useless to write unless inspired by you
The words you give are wise and true
I read in the Bible these words by your son
He said it is finished, thy will be done

The words that come from you will stand
In Daniel came forth fingers of a man's hand
The king saw the part of the hand that wrote
The words scared him so, his knees did smote

Belshazzar's kingdom was coming to an end
This was the written message that you did send
His pride and greed caused his quick downfall
Your handwriting was clear on the palace wall

The scales of justice were balanced on that day
Belshazzar ignored God and did not pray
He thought that he was king on his own
And that God did not put him on the throne

Promotion comes not from the east or the west
But God is the judge, he knows what is best
He gives understanding and wisdom to the wise
Causes kings and kingdoms to fall and to rise

Trust in the LORD with all of your heart
Keep his commands and do your part
Be humble and know that God is in control
He owns your life, your breath and your soul

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, June 16, 2005


God and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
by Irvin L. Rozier (Email:


Jeremiah 33.3 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."

It was late Saturday evening on that hot and humid August day in 1987. The Lord had saved me in January 1987, and He had already used me greatly. That evening, I had read the above scripture, and the Lord began to reveal unto me great and mighty things. One of the first spiritual gifts (1 Cirinthians, Chapter 12 verses 1-10) had imparted unto me was the gift of faith. Another was the gift of discernment of spirits. He had also been teaching me how to pray, and I had already seen glorious answers to many prayers. The Lord had also been teaching me how to come against evil supernatural forces.

Earlier, the Lord had used me to rebuke evil spirits. The first time this happened to me was at an old house in south Georgia. I was sitting in my office at Fort Stewart (I was in the Army at that time), when the Lord spoke to me and told me to go to Ludowici, a small town nearby. I immediately left my office, and drove to the town. When I arrived, I asked the Lord where to go, and He directed me to an old two story house down a side street. I parked my car, took my Bible in my hand, and went and knocked on the door. A woman opened the door, and I asked her if she had been experiencing any abnormal problems. With a look of amazement, she replied, "Yes, there is a room upstairs that has all kind of noises. We have nailed the door shut and it still has come open. My son tried to stay in that room but is was cold, and he was afraid of the noises." When she spoke these words, I sensed the presence of great evil. The hair of my flesh stood up (Job 4 verse 15 "Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up:"). With Bible in hand, I told the woman the Lord had sent me there to get rid of that evil presence. As I began to walk up the stairs, I started calling on the name of Jesus and pleading the power of the shed blood. The great darkness and sense of evil almost overwhelmed me. I entered the room and began to come against the evil, saying "At the name of Jesus, devils have to flee. At the name of Jesus, we have the victory." My skin was crawling and my hair was sticking straight up. After several minutes of intense prayer and agony of soul, the evil fled, and I experienced a great peace that passes all understanding. The Lord spoke to me and said, "Mission accomplished." As I left the house, I told the woman that things were now okay. Several weeks later, I was reading about the history of the town of Ludowici. I read where two women were murdered in that room in that very same house where I had went earlier!

The Lord used me in other ways, also...He was training me for greater things.

In mid May, 1987, the Lord spoke to me and told me to go to Jekyll Island, Georgia. He showed me which motel to stay at but told me not to check in until later. The island is beautiful and has a storied history. Originally, it was owned by the very wealthy and they used it as a winter retreat. Some of the original houses are still there, restored to their former glory. Now, the state of Georgia owned the island.

I drove around the island and then went to the north end, near the pier. I saw a van from the motel where the Lord wanted me to stay, and asked the driver if there were any vacancies. He said, "No, we have a convention staying there. All of our rooms are filled." About 4:00 PM, the Lord spoke to me and told me to go on over to the motel. I did, went inside and stood in line. As I approached the motel desk, the telephone rang, and the desk clerk said, "Excuse me while I take this call." I waited, and then she came and asked me what could she do for me. I asked, "Do you have any vacancies?" She looked up at me and said, "We didn't but that phone call was a cancellation. We have one room. It is the Presidential suite. You can have it at regular room price." So, I paid her the $75 and stayed at the motel where the Lord showed me I would be staying.

I went to sleep in that big old bed around 10:00 PM and around 11:30 PM I was awakened by the sound of music. A band downstairs was playing and singing a gospel song, "I Saw the Light". The Lord spoke to me and said, "I have a mission for you to do." I dressed, went outside, got in my car, and drove to a secluded part of the island. I began to pray and seek the Lord for my purpose of being there. Suddenly, the oppression of the people in the USSR came to me in a vision. The hair of my flesh stood up, and I sensed a great darkness, an evil beyond words to describe. I began to intercede in prayer for the people in the USSR and to plead the blood of Jesus. After about 30 minutes of this spiritual warfare, I felt the presence of the Lord as a great peace flooded my entire being. The Lord spoke to me and said, "Mission accomplished, you can go back to the motel." I did, and enjoyed a blissful sleep and the rest of my visit there. Shortly after this, the USSR dissolved.

Now comes that August day when the Lord had me praying all that night. I began to have visions...I saw soldiers killed in wars, children screaming in fear, Jews being loaded into railroad cars, smokestacks billowing foul black smoke as Jews were being burned in the furnaces of concentration camps. I heard the cries of terror and fear. An evil so deep enveloped me and all I could do was call upon the name of Jesus. The vision of evil I had went back into time--I saw slaves being whipped, people being thrown from their lands by legions of soldiers, and Christians being burned and beheaded. The evil was so deep that the hair of my flesh stood up all night. I began to march, just like the Israelites did when the walls of Jericho fell. I marched, prayed, and pleaded the precious blood of Jesus. I rebuked the evil forces in Jesus' name. By dawn, I was exhausted yet the evil was still there. Victory had not yet come. I continued to pray and around 3:33 PM that Sunday evening, I felt the burden removed and shouted with joy as the peace of God that passes all understanding washed through me. The Lord spoke and said, "Mission accomplished. Well done, thy good and faithful servant." Not many months later, the Berlin wall fell.

Ephesians 6.12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Many of you who read these words will understand what I have described---some won't. The Lord used me in these mighty spiritual battles to help millions of His own who had been crying out to Him. Since these experiences, the Lord has used me in other great ways. I am a soldier in His Army. His eyes run to and fro throughout the earth to show himself strong in behalf of those who have faith and believe in Him.

2 Corinthians 10 verse 4 "(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds:)"

Irvin L. Rozier

Monday, June 13, 2005


More Well Worn Bibles

The world needs more well worn Bibles on its' tables
The Bible contains words of life and truth but no fables
People need to read and study these words of old
They are more precious than jewels and the finest gold

The Bible is the best selling book of all books
But sadly most are only used just for looks
Answers to life's questions are found in its' pages
But most people think the answer to life is higher wages

People need to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations
Fascinating stories are recorded of life and its' tribulations
The words of the Bible give hope and promises of tomorrow
When the whole world will be free from pain and sorrow

A well worn tear stained Bible tells an unique story
Of its' owner and his walk with Jesus on the way to glory
Those passages of scripture that are marked in ink
Was living water for that thirsty person to drink

I'm asking you some questions, be honest with me
Do you read your Bible or is it only for others to see?
Is your Bible well worn or is it gathering dust?
Do you fully believe in Jesus and in Him trust?

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, June 09, 2005



When the storms and trials of life come your way
And you can barely keep the hellhounds at bay
You have no help from your neighbors or friends
Look to Jesus for in your troubles help he sends

Paul almost perished in that great storm on the sea
When the Lord said to him be of good cheer it is me
Paul trusted and had faith in the Lord and his plan
None on the wrecked ship were lost, not even a man

Satan tries to destroy and hinder God's work
Around God's children he does lurk
But prayer to the Lord has much power
Causes the enemy to withdraw and to cower

So I say unto you be of good cheer
Trust in the Lord because he is ever near
He will give you peace and wonderful grace
And strength and endurance to run the race

Hold on to Jesus' loving powerful hand
He will lead you on to the promised land
When the enemy comes in like a flood
Remember you are covered by his blood

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Odes to the Small Church: Poems about Special Sacred People and Places
by Sharina Smith

Lead-in: Irvin L. Rozier writes about what he knows, and he especially knows about small country churches from his many years of service as a member and as a bi-vocational preacher.

“Service” is one word that would sum up Irvin L. Rozier’s life so far. Irvin is retired from military service after 21 years of active and reserve duties in the U.S. Army, where he held the ranks of private, non-commissioned, warrant and commissioned officers. Irvin is still serving as a soldier, but now he is only on the active duty list for God's Army.

“For almost 17 years, I have preached at a nursing home on Sunday mornings,” Irvin said. “We have around 30 attending, and they are very attentive.” Irvin said he has written a story, "The Nursing Home Ministry,” which came out of his experiences there.

Irvin’s service to God has included his preaching “at churches, street corners, nursing homes, radio, and other places.” Irvin said, “I have attended a fairly small (about 175 members) Baptist church where I taught Sunday School for a few years. I have also been an associate pastor at a small United Methodist church for four years (Martha Memorial...the poem I wrote). I go to my brother-in-law's church, too (Ward Memorial, the other poem I wrote). Small churches are like one big family, and much support and love is shown.”

Family is also an arena where Irvin has been called to serve. As a single parent, he has raised two daughters and a son. The proud father has written stories about all of them, too:

“Most of the things I write about are true. Eva is my baby girl. She's 25 now, but still my baby.  Everything I wrote in the story about her [“Eva”] is true. I also wrote about my oldest daughter (story entitled "Joy" and my son, story entitled "Joel").  Eva [recently] celebrated her one year wedding anniversary. She works as a nurse and is going to college to further her nursing education.  She is a sweet, compassionate young woman, and also sings. You ought to hear her sing Amazing Grace or Poor Wayfaring Stranger.”
“Eva's mom left us in 1986 and we were divorced (I didn't want one, yet I had no control over it…you can't make someone love you).  I remarried in 1999. It didn't work out, she moved to another state in 2003, so I am currently separated).”
Although Irvin’s Army service has taken him all over the world, he is now happily back home close to his roots in the country: “I was raised in the country. My small hometown of 3,000 was only about two miles away.  I have always liked the country, the peace and solitude is refreshing.  While in the Army, I lived several places including some fairly large cities.  Columbia, SC, Leavenworth, KS, Ft Rucker, AL (south AL near Dothan), Augsburg, Germany, Indianapolis, IN, Anniston, AL (North AL about 60 miles from Birmingham and 100 from Atlanta, Ga, Wahiawa, Hawaii (only 25 miles from Honolulu). back to Ft Rucker, Ft Stewart, GA, near Savannah,  Small country type towns are friendly, and neighbors are kind.  Traffic is not bad, either.”
The U.S. Army gets the credit for some of Irvin’s first training as a writer. “When I was a soldier, I worked in personnel and wrote all the time...Army regulations, information papers, decision papers, staff papers, award citations, performance reports, etc. This helped me develop my writing skills. I have also loved to read all my life.  This helps, too.”

Now the Lord gets all the glory as Irvin’s muse: “I write as inspired by the Lord.”

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Monday, June 06, 2005


This too shall pass the master said to me
I will speak the word and set you free
From the obstacles holding you down
You will laugh and smile and not frown

Remember Peter and how he was in jail
His friends' prayers for him did avail
I sent an angel to unlock that prison gate
I deliver right on time, I am never late

I remember my trials I had in the past
The Lord sent deliverance, they didn't last
My trials came to pass and not to stay
The Lord gives answers when unto him I pray

Yes trials last for just a season
I may not understand the whys or reason
But I know this trial too shall pass one day
So Lord, send into my life what you may

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier


Jesus said every perfect gift comes from above
He sends these gifts because of his great love
Yes Jesus knows just what you need
He said my hungry sheep I will feed

Don't be discouraged, down and out
Have faith in him and do not doubt
Call unto him who deeply cares for you
He washes away the past and makes things new

Today you may need an encouraging word
Or you may need to hear the songs of a bird
The love Jesus gives is a great treasure
It can't be counted, it is beyond measure

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Music and warfare

Yes, music can be used to combat evil.

I Samuel 16 verse 23.."And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him."

So I say, Crank up the music, let's have church, let's forget about ourselves and put Jesus first. Clap your hands and testify, crank up the music let's have church.

walkin2e AKA Irvin L. Rozier



A favorite memory from my childhood memory pool
Is being underneath my aunt's grape arbor, it was cool
Clusters of juicy purple and white grapes hanging down
Under Aunt Irma's grape arbor near Patterson town

That memory made me want to have some grapes to eat
So I built a grape arbor where I could escape the heat
The three vines I planted were frail and very small
I wondered if they would even grow at all

My grape arbor covers over 700 square feet
To watch those vines grow was quite a treat
After three years of patiently waiting for a harvest
I finally ate my own grapes, they were the best

Every year I prune and trim those hanging vines
I believe my grapes could make some fine wines
Some of my grapes are large as a golf ball
Juicy and sweet, they're mighty fine I'm telling y'all

The Lord has said you can't pick grapes from thorns
The beautiful grape arbor on my little farm adorns
You can tell a tree by the fruit it makes
My grape vines produce real fruit not fakes

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Wednesday, June 01, 2005



Before she died, Mama gave me some money
She said buy something for yourself honey
I spied two rocking chairs at a country store
They looked so inviting sitting by the door

I bought the rockers and the matching swing
When I first sat in them I felt like a king
I painted the rockers white and the swing green
They're the prettiest things I've ever seen

Thank you Lord for the gentle breeze
That gently rocks my swing pretty as you please
Mama gave me three perfect gifts to remember her by
Till I see her again in her home in the sky

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier, AKA walkin2e, author of My Walk with the Lortd,


Author Added: 2005-05-31
Writer of The Month: June

Irvin L. Rozier(walkin2e )

Irvin was born on April 20, 1952 at Jesup, Georgia. He grew up in Pierce County, Georgia, and graduated from Blackshear High School in 1970. He attended Abraham Baldwin College in Tifton and then in 1971 joined the US Army. During his Army career, he worked in personnel and held the ranks of Private through Staff Sergeant, Warrant Officer One through Chief Warrant Officer Three, First Lieutenant and Captain. He retired from the US Army Reserves as a Captain. During his Army career, he wrote regulations, award citations, staff papers, and replies to congressional and presidential inquiries.

Irvin is a graduate of Excelsior College (formerly the University of the State of New York, Regents), with Bachelor of Science and Associate of Science Degrees, has an Associate of Arts from Wright State University, and is a graduate of 26 military schools, including the Adjutant General Officer Advanced and the Warrant Officer Senior courses. For the past 18 years, Irvin has been working for the Lord, and has preached and ministered at many places, including a radio ministry. All of his experiences have led him to have a deep faith in God and in the power of prayer. He currently ministers weekly at a local nursing home, and is the Chaplain for his local American Legion. He has written and had published a book, My Walk with the Lord, and many other poems and articles that he freely shares with others.

Irvin has three children, Eva, Joel, and Joy, two grandsons, Dusty and Josh. He was married for 13 years, and when his wife left him, he was a single parent for over 13 years. Irvin lives on his small south Georgia farm, and enjoys writing, reading, and gardening. He states, "It is an honor to be selected for this recognition and I know that the Lord has bestowed on me this talent. The pen is mightier than the sword, and written words live on."