My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Friday, April 29, 2005


The LORD gave me this song this morning, 29 April 05. It took ten minutes to write.


Once I was lost without a vision
I was trapped in a spiritual prison
Then Jesus came and saved my soul
He healed my heart and made me whole

Now I know heaven is real
His Holy Spirit I can feel
My treasures are laid up in a heavenly place
One day I will feel his loving embrace
On the streets of gold I'll shout and sing
I can hear those golden bells sweetly ring
In heaven above I'll live with him
Heaven grows brighter, this world grows dim

My journey on earth is so short
I must work for him, preach and exhort
The Bible records words about my new home
Where I'll be at rest and never more roam

Now I know heaven is real
His Holy Spirit I can feel
My treasures are laid up in a heavenly place
One day I will feel his loving embrace
On the streets of gold I'll shout and sing
I can hear those golden bells sweetly ring
In heaven above I'll live with him
Heaven grows brighter, this world grows dim

With friends and loved ones waiting there
I'll sit with them and eat that heavenly fare
My work on earth will be done
My final race will be won

Now I know heaven is real
His Holy Spirit I can feel
My treasures are laid up in a heavenly place
One day I will feel his loving embrace
On the streets of gold I'll shout and sing
I can hear those golden bells sweetly ring
In heaven above I'll live with him
Heaven grows brighter, this world grows dim

The wonders he has prepared for me
Gives me hope for today and sets me free
While ages roll on and on
My trials and troubles will be gone

Now I know heaven is real
His Holy Spirit I can feel
My treasures are laid up in a heavenly place
One day I will feel his loving embrace
On the streets of gold I'll shout and sing
I can hear those golden bells sweetly ring
In heaven above I'll live with him
Heaven grows brighter, this world grows dim

A great homecoming day that will be
When friends and loved ones I will see
My prayers down here are not in vain
My heavenly rewards I will surely gain

Now I know heaven is real
His Holy Spirit I can feel
My treasures are laid up in a heavenly place
One day I will feel his loving embrace
On the streets of gold I'll shout and sing
I can hear those golden bells sweetly ring
In heaven above I'll live with him
Heaven grows brighter, this world grows dim

copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Eric died 25 April 2005. he was 26.

Several years ago, the Pickens family moved to town
Bill, Lois, Marie, David, Billy and Eric settled down
I remember watching those young boys at play
Football, basketball, softball they played all day

Eric was special as the youngest son
He loved to fish and hunt and have fun
He and his brothers spent many hours at my house
You can be sure they were not quiet as a mouse

At Pierce Count High school Eric was a football star
His competitive nature and athletic ability carried him far
He gave a hundred percent and competed with all his might
Now he has fought his last fight

We can't understand the reasons why
Eric was so young and had to die
Our Heavenly Father knows what is best
Eric was tired and now is at rest

He leaves behind a grieving wife, a daughter and son
In his eyes they were number one
His loving mother and father he hated to leave
He knew how they and his brothers and sister would grieve

These words he would speak to comfort them
I trusted in Jesus, have faith in Him
I will see you again on that heavenly shore
Where sorrow and pain is no more

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Friday, April 22, 2005


Matthew 18 verse 11 "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."

On Sunday night, April 10th, 2005, I received a phone call from my daughter, Eva. She was very distraught. Her husband, Jack, was missing and she had no idea where he was. She is a nurse, and had been working at the nursing home that day. She had came home, and Jack wasn't there so she thought that he had run to Walmart's or somewhere else. Then she noticed that their canoe was missing. A couple of days earlier, I had went by their house to see them. No one was home, so I wandered around the yard, looking at all the beautiful flowers and the great landscaping Jack had done. My attention was drawn to that canoe that was sitting on top of the side of the carport.

When Eva called me, I began to pray for Jack, that the Lord would keep him and protect him. A few minutes after 10 PM, Jack's Mom, Debbie, called me and told me that they had found Jack's vehicle by the river, but there was no sight of Jack. We had received much rain, and the river was full, and the current was swift. After I heard this, I prayed again, and the Lord gave me assurance that Jack would be okay.

We went over to the river where Jack's vehicle was found. Many people were gathered there, including representatives of the Sheriff's Department and of the Georgia Game and Fish Commission. They already had a boat, and were getting ready to go search for my lost son-in-law and his two friends. Eva was really all to pieces, thinking the worst. Just before the boat was to be launched, the sheriff received a call on his radio. Someone reported hearing someone hollering at the next bridge down. We loaded up, and drove over there (about 10 miles). It was dark, and we begin to yell for Jack. No answer. It was now after midnight, so Eva was exhausted and said, "I just want to go home." Eva, her brother, Joel, my girlfriend, Nancy, and I started to leave and were stopped. Debbie said, "Jack just called, they are safe!"

Jack and his two friends were going on a spur of the moment two hour canoe trip. The current was too swift, the canoe capsized, the woods were dark and flooded. They wandered around in the darkness, and then they saw a light. It was a fisherman's cabin. They went inside, found some matches, rags, and alcohol and made torches. They begin to walk down the flooded road, and finally came out of the swamp onto a highway. They were safe!

I really learned some valuable lessons from Jack's episode. Several weeks before this, Jack and Eva had begun an exercise program, including swimming. This ordeal was coming up, and Jack's endurance was tested. Many, many people were concerned about Jack and his friends. They prayed, and went searching for them because they were lost. How happy we all were when he was found safe!

We should be concerned about those who are spiritually lost. We should be praying that they would find their way out of darkness, and come to the light.

Matthew 18 verse 12 "How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?"

Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Monday, April 18, 2005


What are your thoughts on these two passages of scripture?

2 Kings chapter 2, 23 and 24 "And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them."

My thoughts..Elisha had just performed a miracle (healed the waters). He was feeling good, and the devil used a whole gang of ruffians to try to make fun of him and get him defeated. Sure, he was bald headed, but they were just using that as an excuse to mock the man of God (and ultimately God himself). God did not take lightly the mocking of his man. That gang of children found out this truth when those two bears ferociously tore into them. After this spiritual battle, Elisha went to Mount Carmel and then returned to Samaria.

I would say that trifling with a man of God is a serious thing in the eyes of God. He has said, "Saying, Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm." (Psalm 105 verse 15.

Elisha knew that God was for him.



Numbers 21.7: "Then Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well; sing ye unto it."

I received a call from a friend of mine. He wanted me to help him dig a well for a small church in the edge of the next county. Over the years, this church had many troubles, including the wells going dry. When he asked me to help, I felt the presence of the Lord so I knew that the Lord had just given me another mission.

I loaded my tools on my old Datsun pickup (it was using so much oil that I just poured the oil over the motor and let it leak through the cracks! Not really; just kidding, although it did use much oil). I drove the 16 miles to the church where some others had gathered to help dig the well. Before we began, we all joined together in a circle of prayer and asked the Lord to bless our efforts and the church.

After prayer, I said, "Let me go down in that old open well to see if it could be cleaned out." I climbed down a ladder, and at about 12 feet, saw that the well was clogged up with all kinds of debris. I climbed up the ladder and stated, "This well represents what has happened to this church over the years. It needs a new refreshing spring of water...a new well."

One elderly gentleman there stated, "Well, you can try to dig a new well but you probably won't be successful. All of the other five wells have been failures." These wells had been dug at places where someone had used a divining stick to determine where the underground source of water was. I knew the use of divination was not of God (Deuteronomy 18.10).

I prayed and asked the Lord to show me where to dig. I know God knows where everything is located. He answered my prayer, and showed me a spot and told me we would hit water at 29 feet. We began to dig and things started going wrong. Pipes broke. Pumps tore up. The enemy sure didn't want us to get water!

Three days later, cool refreshing water was flowing from that 29 feet deep well. The church began to flourish and grow and 12 years later, the water is still flowing...despite the severe drought the state of Georgia experienced. Not only that, the church membership grew and grew, and the Lord continues to bless that church to this day.

The day we hit water, I left to go back home. My old Datsun's motor blew up, and I was stranded beside the road. Within five minutes, a man pulled over and offered to give me a ride. He said, "I normally don't stop to help anyone but for some reason I had to stop." As he drove me home, I told him what I had been doing and about some of the men who had helped. One of these men was his first cousin who he hadn't seen in awhile. I ended up talking to this man about Jesus and praying for him. Even the breakdowns and stops are ordered by the Lord.

Later, I sold the Datsun for $100. The man took the truck and never paid me. The church too forgot to pay me for the work on the well. Oh well, I know everything belongs to God.

John 4.14: "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

Irvin L. Rozier, author of My Walk with the Lord,

Friday, April 15, 2005


I just received a review of my book, My Walk with the Lord, from Writer's Digest. Here are the results:

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning poor, and 5 meaning excellent, please evaluate the following: Structure and organization, Grammar, Cover Design....I was rated 5 on all three categories.

Judge's Commentary:

What did you like best about this book?

This is a very well-written and readable, with lots of stories that make the book quite personal in a positive and inspiring way. The author is experienced in sharing his faith and comfortable with himself and his beliefs. Of course the inspiration comes from the spiritual perspective presented and that is quite heart warming. This is, ultimately, a very encouraging book and will make good reading for anyone who is willing to give the story at least a try. The author shows that miracles do happen and shares many anecdotes to that effect. This is a very down-to-earth book and has many touches of humor.

The cover of my book can be viewed best at

This review encouraged me.

Irvin L. Rozier


Caananland Is Just In Sight


Early this morning, I had this dream. I was at a church, in the social hall. It was springtime, and there was plenty of food on the table. Many people were gathered to eat...young, middle age, and old. They were all dressed well. The pastor stood up and said, "I'm going to ask the LORD to bless the food. I'll pray and then someone down at the end (where I was sitting) can pray." He prayed, and then a woman sitting by me tried to get these words out "the effectual fervent prayer" but could not. I then stated "THE EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN AVAILETH MUCH". As soon as I said these words, a man nearby, fell to the ground. He was on his back looking up. He had his hands raised and was praising the LORD.

I then begin to sing this song, "Moses led God's children, forty years he led them, through the storms and through the night. We must be like Moses, we must keep on going, Caananland is just in sight!" Two or three other people joined me in singing that song, and it was beautiful. The presence of the LORD was strong. I then woke up.

Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Dream One. I was on a curvy road that led to Fort Knox, Kentucky. Beside the road, were several people who shouted "go on, go on" and gestured for me to go on down the road. Suddenly, at a bend in the road, I encountered several huge men, dressed to the teeth in knives and guns, with bandoleers of ammunition around their chests. I began to battle these demons, all the while calling on the name of Jesus to help me. The batttle raged, I was getting weak, and then, the Lord gave victory. Immediately afterward, huge sums of money started falling out of the sky. I then woke up.

Dream Two. I dreamed I was by a bank. I could clearly see this bank; the name was Deutches Bank and I was in Germany. The entrance was barred but then, a man came up to me and handed me a huge gold key. He said, "This key unlocks the door of that bank where the money the enmey has stolen is located." I then unlocked the giant door to this bank. (Note, shortly thereafter, retribution of stolen funds from the Jews in WWII, was released).

Dream Three. I was in a court room. The judge was at the bench. Papers were scattered everwhere. Disorder was evident. I was trying to get my case before the judge but it looked as if no one cared. Suddenly, the judge gave the order. Get Irvin's case together and bring it to me. People were scurrying around picking up my papers. They were then handed to the judge, who looked at them and said "Approved." I then went outside the courtroom and it was a clear, sunny day. (Note, shortly after this dream, I received a favorable decision on a case for backpay that I had been trying to get approved for eight years.)

Irvin L. Rozier


1 Peter 5 verse 8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

The Lord has told us we have an enemy, the devil. He tries to oppose everything we do for the Lord. He attacks ferociously those who are trying to serve Jesus. In my eighteen plus years of serving the Lord, my battles with the enemy have been many..and often come disguised as something good. Many people don't realize the enormous conflict that we are in daily. Eternity hangs in balance for the souls of those people walking around you. Heaven or hell? Satan will do all he can to destroy the effectiveness of the sold out Christian..He will attack your relationships, your health, your finances, will even use other Christians to come against what you are trying to do for Jesus. Chapter 5 verse 9 of 1 Peter tells us "Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world." It is hard to resist when you are weakened by the trials of this world, but the Lord Jesus will give us strength to overcome.

Hold on to Jesus, and He will see you through the attacks from the enemy.

Romans 16 verse 20 "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen."

Irvin L. Rozier



Group: Members
Posts: 60
Joined: Aug. 2004 Posted: April 14 2005,8:42

Mine was Mrs. Martha Harrison, my eighth grade English teacher. She made us write, and write, and write. She would put a sentence on the blackboard (I used to be the one to clean it..remember that), like "If A Pencil Sharpener Could Talk" and make us write a 200 word story about the subject.

She also made us create a poem book. Not only did we have to write the poems (they were famous poems like "Fog", "The Raggedy Man", "The Highwayman", and my favorite "If") but we also had to illustrate them. I had got a chemistry set for Christmas, so I mixed up some chemicals and made water colors for mine. My art work wasn't pretty but the colors were! I received a 95 for my efforts. What was funny that I have a sister, Linda, that is a year younger than me, so in the eighth grade, she had to do a poem book. Well, Linda wasn't into the academic part of school, just the social part. She got my poem book, changed the cover (not the contents written and illustrated by me) and turned it in as her work. Of course Mrs. harrison recognized my handwriting so Linda was in trouble.

Later, in 1987, I went by to see Mrs. Harrison. She was old and fragile then. I thanked her for being a positive influence on my writing and then prayed for her. She is gone on now, but will always live in my memories.

Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


My Daddy Was A Oldtime Baptist Preacher

I grew up in small Baptist country churches. I remember them being filled to overflowing as the people gathered to hear a word from the Lord from the God-called preachers. My Daddy preached at this small church where over 150 attended..Sunday School and we fit into that small, but adequate building, I don't know. Over 40 years later, the same church has the same number attending but the buildings are 10 times as big...hmmm..are we placing more emphasis on the buildings than on the people? Anyway, I wrote this in my Daddy's memory...Thank you, Jesus, for giving me a spirit filled oldtime preacher man for my daddy.

This story was written December 21, 1994 and appears in my book

Luke 2.10 "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

When we think of Christmas, we picture presents under the tree, the Christmas play at the church, Christmas lights and the hustle and bustle of that time of the year.

As I look back over the 42 years the good Lord has allowed me to live, Christmas of 1966 stands forever etched in my mind. I was 14 years old, an only son with four sisters.

I really had a close relationship with my daddy, the late Rev. A.J. Rozier, The week before Christmas, daddy and the late Rev. Jody Thigpen performed the wedding ceremony for my oldest sister, Shirley, and her husband, Joe.

The simple ceremony at our old home place brought a sense of joy in the air. We eagerly anticipated the excitement of Christmas day.

On December 22, 1966, I was helping daddy deliver furniture (back then, country preachers didn't receive a large enough salary to support their families and had to work other jobs) for Gibson McDonald furniture company. My first cousin, the late Clyde Douberly, and I went with daddy to Hazelhurst to deliver a refrigerator.

Afterwards, I remember daddy sitting down and saying, "Boys, I've got to rest a minute." He felt better and we drove the 50 miles back to Blackshear and mama's good supper.

Our Christmas tree was up and the presents were wrapped. Only two days and a night until Christmas! That night, my 40 year old preacher daddy dropped dead of a heart attack.

I remember all the people coming, the Christmas tree and presents being removed, and my daddy's casket taking that spot.

On that cold, cloudy, Christmas day, we buried my daddy. Suddenly, presents and trees didn't mean that much. The Lord answered daddy's Christmas prayer-he longed to be with Jesus.

From that Christmas on, I truly realized what the true meaning of Christmas is. Yes, it's a time of celebration...For unto us this day is born a Savior...Without His birth, we would have no hope of being reunited with our loved ones.

I will see my Daddy again. You see, almost eight years ago, another one of daddy's prayers was answered. I, too, am a child of the King.

This Christmas of 1994, let us rejoice in the birth and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because He lives, we can live, also.

Luke 2.11 "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

Footnote...Both my brother-in-law, Joe, and I are preachers. Clyde was 26 when the Lord called him home. Clyde and my Daddy were both born on August the 18..both died on December 22, and both were buried on Christmas day (10 years apart)

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Monday, April 11, 2005

Holy Anointing Oil

Sunday, April 10th, 2005, I used the Holy Anointing Oil when I prayed for Eric Pickens, a 25 year old man who has cancer. The spirit and power of the Lord was strong to heal. This was at Waycross, Georgia, in the Satilla Regional Hospital. I had just came from a Sunday service at the Nursing Home, where I preached on James Chapter 5, verses 13-16, and verses 19 and 20.

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e, author of My Walk with the Lord,

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I have a prayer table in my house. On the table are my old well worn Bible, surrounded by two praying hands, a vase with a circle of angels, with a dish on top where I keep my bottle of anointing oil. I used the last of it one day last week when my niece in law came to me a requested prayer. I gave her what was left, and told her to anoint her doors, her children's bedroom doors, her husband's chair, and bed. I know in itself the oil is nothing, yet the act of faith in using it God honors. She called me the next day, Praising God, and said the peace in her house was so extraordinary. This oil was mixed up special with instructions from the Holy Ghost.

This morning, the LORD had me mix up some more anointing contains several ingredients, the color is green, the bottle is green. The Lord had me put three seeds in it, also, and then I prayed over it and asked the LORD to use this however he will.

Please pray that whenever this special anointing oil is used in prayer, the power of the Holy Ghost will be manifested.

James 5 verse 14 "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the LORD;"

James 5 verse 16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye might be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Irvin L.Rozier aka walkin2e

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


am 52 years old and have owned several vehicles:
1. 1968 Plymouth Sport Fury..I loved that first car a convertible with an eight track and five speakers
2. 1972 Mercury Capri 2000 4 cylinder 4 speed
3. 1974 Red Mercury Capri 2800 V6..It could fly. I once drove it 130 MPH on the autobahn in Germany
4. 1978 Ford Fairmont Station Wagon (I was a family man what can I say)
5. 1966 VW Beetle...Had to push it to get it started..I was always looking for hills to park it on
6. 1980 Chevrolet Malibu Station Wagon
7. 1966 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon, Wood sides AM radio, and air conditioner
8. 1982 Chevrolet Monte Carlo..white with black vinyl top
9. 1977 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon (not as well bulit as the 66)
10. 1975 Datsun B210 2door piece of junk
11. 1982 Subaru Brat..4 wheel drive, yellow with white spoke wheels and two jump seats in the back
12. 1985 Subaru Station Wagon
13. 1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass..Dark blue, white vinyl top..good sporty car
14. 1985 Pontiac Catalina...hard times was here
15. 1982 Toyota Celica..a gift had 145,000 miles on it
16. 1979 Datsun Pickup King Cab..I had to pour oil over the leaked through the cracks
17. 1984 Ford LTD gray..I totalled it in a wreck
18. 1986 Oldsmobile Delta 88 2 dr..A piece of junk that a used car salesman pawned off on me
19. 1980 Chevrolet Luv pickup..I once hauled a back porch on it..Good truck and had chrome rims
20 1995 Mazda B200 Pickup Truck..I bought it new and drove it 100,000 miles
21. 1997 Chevrolet Silverado King Cab..Dark Green, stepside...I drove it 100,000 miles
22. 2003 Red Ford Super Crew current vehicle, loaded, even a moon roof

Other vehicles I have bought (for my kids)
23. 1980 Toyota Tercel brown for my oldest daughter..she totalled it
24. 1986 Chevrolet Cavalier Banana Yellow for my son...the motor went bad
25. 1984 Toyota Tercel for my youngest daughter, she wrecked the front end of it
26. 1992 Pontiac Sunbird for my son..his friend kicked a big dent in the rear left side
27. 1992 Nisson 240Z for my daughter Eva, she totalled it in a wreck..just after I had new tires and brakes on it
28. 1995 Monte Carlo Z Black for my daughter Eva..she totalled it on a was covered with water
29. 1998 Chevrolet S10 Kingcab for my son..Good vehicle
30. 1999 Mazda 626 for my daughter Eva..she is still driving it, I'm still apayin'
31. 2001 Kia Sport for my son..He totalled it in a wreck
32 2001 Chevrolet Trail Blazer for my son..He finally graduated from college
33. 1991 Vintage Pontiac Sunbird Convertible for the woman I was married to ..I had the top, tires, transmission, brakes fixed...then she graduated from nursing school, and took the car to Kentucky..I ain't seen it since

Other vehicles
1. Three motorcyles
2. Four riding lawnmowers
3. Two tractors (a blue Ford and a red Ford..vintage of


Ecclesiastes 3.1 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven."

I had an old Pontiac that the Lord gave me in answer to prayer. He moved on someone to buy it for me as I was walking at that period of my journey with the Lord. I was glad to get that old car and the old man who sold it to us was glad to get rid of it. One thousand dollars let me drive it away. Shortly, the motor went bad and had to be replaced. This gave me an opportunity to talk to a man about his eternal destination (witnessing it's called).

Well, after the motor was fixed, the transmission went bad. I had a mechanic that I grew up with fix it for $300. There again, I was moved on by the Spirit to witness to this man. You see, his Mama had been praying for him for years, asking the Lord to send someone by to talk to her son about Jesus. I was the someone, and the Lord had arranged for my transmission to quit so the door would be open.

About 28 days after he fixed the transmission, it went out again. I was in town and the car rolled to a spot in front of a house by the railroad tracks. I walked on home (about two miles) and called the mechanic who had repaired the transmission. I relayed my problem, and he said, "Okay, I'll get the tow truck and go get it. Where is it located?" I told him where it was (I had got the address number of the house before I left the car). I heard a short pause and then he said, "I live in that house." I had no idea he lived there; I thought he lived by his shop which was about three miles away. Well, he went to get the car and called me after he had fixed it. He said, "There will be no charge as your 30 days warranty is in effect. By the way, I can't believe where the car stopped." I replied, "The Lord works in wonderful ways, his wonders to perform."

A few months later, I took my daughter, Joy, to Hinesville to pick up a friend she had met while going to school there. On the way back, I heard a thunk, looked in my rearview mirror and saw one of my tires rolling on down the highway. I pulled over on the shoulder of the road, and told the girls to sit there while I inspected the damage.

All the lug nuts had come loose which caused the tire to roll away. I went looking for the tire but never found it. Earlier, when I had looked in my rearview mirror, I saw a car stop. I guess they picked up the tire. They must have needed it worse than I did.

I walked up to a man's house, told him what had happened and introduced myself. He knew my daddy and said over twenty years ago, my daddy had prayed for him. God had set up this divine appointment to remind me of the seeds my daddy had planted (He had died in 1966 at the age of forty..he was a preacher). My car had stopped at that exact location for a divine purpose. He let me use his phone, and I called my mechanic. I said, "It's me again. My tire rolled away." He paused and said, "I'll get the tow truck and come and get you."

After he had replaced the tire and lug nuts, he tightened them down securely and said, "That'll be $75." I paid him, told him the Lord sure does work in mysterious ways, and said, under my breath to the Lord, "Lord, this is getting to be expensive witnessing!" The Lord replied, "I'm answering his Mama's prayers by sending you by. I know I can trust you to tell him what I tell you to tell him."

Two weeks later, the same tire became wobbly again. I took it back to the mechanic and he said, "What now?" I replied, "The lug nuts are loose again." He checked them and with a look of shock said, "Someone put metric instead of standard lug nuts on this wheel. Do you have any enemies?" I replied, "Yes, only one...the Devil." As I spoke these words, I felt the witness of the Holy Ghost and knew my mission had been accomplished. I had planted seeds that needed to be planted, and God would give the increase. I had some other problems with that old Pontiac, but I never went back to see that particular mechanic. I finally sold the old car for $100.

Hosea 14.9 "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things, prudent, and he shall know them? For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein."

These events with the Pontiac happened in 1989. The mechanic I witnessed to now sings in a gospel singing group with his four brothers. God gave the increase!

Irvin L. Rozier

Monday, April 04, 2005


I just put a gospel CD on my player. The first song was "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder"..It goes "When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more"...As soon as these words were sung, a powerful anointing came on me....Time is getting short...

Walkin2e AKA Irvin L. Rozier


Saturday night, I had four very vivid dreams. Here they are:

1. I dreamed I had preached a woman's funeral and was getting ready to preach another. This one was for Ricky, a resident of the nursing home where I preach. He had no wife but had two sisters there. The crowd was gathering at the funeral home chapel (I recognized Mr. Pearson, the funeral home director) as he brought in Ricky (He is the one I wrote the story Ricky Sings a Song He Did Not Know, posted elsewhere on this forum). Ricky was on a stretcher, and not in a coffin. Suddenly, he sat up and began to sing. I was shouting "Praise the Lord!" and everyone was amazed and rejoicing because Ricky came back from the dead.

2. I went to my family cemetery where folks were gathered to clean up. As I opened the double chain link fence gates, I looked down and saw some concrete. I got a shovel and removed the dirt. I uncovered two grave slabs (they were only covered by about two inches of dirt) at the gate entrance. On one was the inscription, John Milton Winn, (my mother's maiden name was Winn). The other grave was covered by a three hinged door, and as it was opened, I could see the body of a 60 year old woman through the clear glass that was the coffin lid. She looked serene, was wearing glasses, and had on a beautiful blue dress. Her hands were folded over her stomach, and I asked who she was. Someone nearby said, "That was one of John Winn's daughters". Nearby these graves, we uncovered a cabinet of wood about six feet tall, and four feet long. On it were displays of Indian artifacts, miniature horses of various colors, arrows with razor sharp edges, feathers, and necklaces and beads. The cabinet had a built in musical device; I wound it up and it began to play beautiful gospel music. The folks that were cleaning the cemetery began to sing and praise Jesus.

3. I dreamed of one of my high school classmates, Danny. He was the most athletic and popular guy in my high school but sadly, he was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 22 (30 years ago). In my dream, Danny and I were sitting at a table discussing things. He was asking my advice and listening intently to what I had to say. We stood up, and I noticed I was about four inches taller than Danny. In High school, He was about 6 feet one inch, and I was 5'11" (still am). Then I woke up.

4. I was flying as a passenger in a small airplane. The windshield was out and I could feel the cold air flowing. I was sitting in the rear of the plane, the cargo bay was open, and I was dangling my bare feet out. They were warmed by the exhaust of the engine. The only people in the plane was the pilot, one more passenger and me. I could look down and see the scenery passing by and could feel the sensation of the warm exhaust on my cold feet.

What say ye?

Irvin L. Rozier

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Today, 2 April 05, at 2:09 PM EST, I received a wrong number telephone call from of all places, Rome, GA..I could hear vague talking..then it came to my mind that the LORD was using this to tell me the Pope was bout to die. as soon as I said, "Lord, the Pope is about to die" the Holy Spirit confirmed this word from the Lord. At 2:37 PM EST, 2 April 05, the Pope died. i hope he was ready to meet his maker.

John 3 verse 5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

Irvin L. Rozier

The Pope Has Died

Today, April 2, 2005 at 2:09 PM EST, I received a wrong number phone call from, of all places, Rome, Ga....I said hello, hello, could hear vague talking but no answer..Then, it came to my mind that the LORD was telling me the Pope was about to die. As I spoke out loud these words, the Holy Spirit confirmed this word of the Lord..The Pope died at 2:37 PM EST...I hope he was prepared to meet his maker.

John 3 Verse 5, "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

Irvin L. Rozier