My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Off the golden coast of Georgia is where
Lies an island that is very rare
Jekyll Island is the name of the place
The Vanderbilts and Morgans needed their space

Originally developed by a wealthy few
They built fancy houses as their riches grew
An average American Joe was not invited there
To set foot on this rich man's land they wouldn't dare

Now a century of time has passed by
Time has flown by quicker than you can bat an eye
The original rich ones now lie silent in their graves
The ocean tide still ebbs and flows with gentle waves

The state of Georgia now owns this piece of land
Live oak trees grow huge amongst the dunes and sand
On Memorial day 2005 a carriage ride I took
At those fancy houses I took a long, long look

The original Jekyll owners had 1/6th of the world's wealth
All that money couldn't buy them eternal life and health
The things of this world grow dim and fade away
Money can't keep the creeping hand of time at bay

The Lord has promised us a mansion in glory
In the Bible is told the old, old story
How if you trusted in him and believe
That eternal life and riches you shall receive

Copyright 2005, Irvin L. Rozier


Here is a bio on me...Could you use the photo I have already sent?

Irvin was born on April 20, 1952 at Jesup, Georgia. He grew up in Pierce County, Georgia, and graduated from Blackshear High School in 1970. He attended Abraham Baldwin College in Tifton and then in 1971 joined the US Army. During his Army career, he worked in personnel and held the ranks of Private through Staff Sergeant, Warrant Officer One through Chief Warrant Officer Three, First Lieutenant and Captain. He retired from the US Army Reserves as a Captain. During his Army career, he wrote regulations, award citations, staff papers, and replies to congressional and presidential inquiries.

Irvin is a graduate of Excelsior College (formerly the University of the State of New York, Regents), with Bachelor of Science and Associate of Science Degrees, has an Associate of Arts from Wright State University, and is a graduate of 26 military schools, including the Adjutant General Officer Advanced and the Warrant Officer Senior courses.

For the past 18 years, Irvin has been working for the Lord, and has preached and ministered at many places, including a radio ministry. All of his experiences have led him to have a deep faith in God and in the power of prayer. He currently ministers weekly at a local nursing home, and is the Chaplain for his local American Legion. He has written and had published a book, My Walk with the Lord, and many other poems and articles that he freely shares with others.

Irvin has three children, Eva, Joel, and Joy, two grandsons, Dusty and Josh. He was married for 13 years, and when his wife left him, he was a single parent for over 13 years. Irvin lives on his small south Georgia farm, and enjoys writing, reading, and gardening. He states, "It is an honor to be selected for this recognition and I know that the Lord has bestowed on me this talent. The pen is mightier than the sword, and written words live on."

Irvin L. Rozier

Sunday, May 29, 2005



In 1776 the United States of America was born
Long ago on that bright July fourth morn
The Revolutionary War was being fought
It was freedom and liberty of forefathers sought

Many lives were lost in that great fight
Liberty was won and America became a light
That drew others to freedom on her shore
They came from England, Ireland, France and more

The civil war tore asunder our bountiful land
Brother fought brother, often hand to hand
Finally this war ended and our nation began to heal
The rifles, cannon and artillery were quiet and still

In the Indian wars and the Spanish-American conflict
Many were killed some, by a gun some by a stick
World War I and World War II came to pass
Millions were killed, some in mass

Korea and Vietnam saw our nation at war again
When will all the conflicts and wars end
Desert Storm put our troops to the test
Victory was won and proved our troops were the best

Today the War on Terror is still going strong
Please pray for our troops all the day long
Many of our troops lie silent in the grave
They gave all for America, the home of the brave

I would like to thank the many women and men
Who gave their lives for our freedom, can I get an amen
We can worship the Lord in the good old US of A
I salute all our fallen heroes on this Memorial day

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Friday, May 27, 2005


Last night (May 26 05), I had this very short dream. I was in a large field which was very dry and dusty. In the field, laying in rows, were burnt looking, dry skeletons. I touched one, and it turned to ashes. I then heard God speak; he asked me "Son of man, can these bones live?" I then woke up, and the Lord had me read Ezekiel Chapter 37.

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Wednesday, May 25, 2005



I dreamed this early this morning, 25 May 05. In the first dream I was talking to four American veterans of the Iraqi conflict. I was telling them I was a combat wounded veteran and I had spent two years in Iraq fighting for a great cause. These men were listening intently to me and believing everything I was telling them. I then gathered all four around me, looked them in the eyes, and told them the truth. I said I had fabricated my whole story, and the reasons for the war had been falsified. I saw the wounded look of betrayal in their eyes and on their faces. I then told them the purpose for my false story. I said,"You see, leaders in high places can tell you anything just to get you to follow them. Just like the blind leading the blind, both will fall in the ditch."

I then dreamed this dream. I had parked my red Ford Crew Cab truck in a parking lot by a large city park. I walked away and when I returned to my truck, a saw that a thief had stolen my left(driver's) door, both left wheels and tires, and my radio was hanging by a few wires. I looked up and saw several other people who also had their vehicles vandalized by a thief. I then saw the thief surrounded by some of his stolen goods, in a small grove of trees in a city park. Other people, including police, politicians, and religious leaders began to chase the thief. The thief was too strong for them and could not be caught. I then ran up to the thief and shouted, "Stop in the name of Jesus!" He dropped to the ground like he had been hit by a baseball bat. He lay there and began to burn. He then called out to me and said, "I want to be born again. Will you pray for me?" I went up to him and although he was glowing with coals like a great log burning, he could talk and hear me. I said, "Do you want Jesus to save you?" He replied, "Yes." All types of people, including politicians, religious leaders and ordinary American people were gathered around watching this scene. I prayed (it was a real intense prayer in my dream..agony of soul and brought tears to my face was wet when I woke). This is the prayer, "Lord Jesus, you see the heart cry of this precious soul. Reveal your love unto him, O Lord. You have said forgive and it shall be forgiven you. There is no sin too great for you to forgive. Too, O Lord, your love is so good and so great that even you can save at the last minute." Jesus then came and saved this thief's soul and he gave up the ghost. I looked around and there was a look of awe on everyone's faces. Someone stated, "That was the most beautiful prayer ever prayed. It is a new prayer for America!" There was not a dry eye in the crowd...everyone was humbled and touched by the precious presence of our Lord. I then woke up, and recorded these two dreams.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005



Thirty five years ago when I was full of hope and eighteen
I graduated from Blackshear High, I had a classmate named Dean
Laura Evans and I were picked as Mr. and Mrs. Senior
In those days I was mischievous and much leaner

Many of my classmates have passed away
Since that long ago June graduation day
Jimmy, Danny, Martin, Linton, David and Charlotte Lee
Are some of those no longer around for me to see

Our class president Richard Brice played music in the string band
He is now playing music in that heavenly land
Franklin Evans and Ernest Hyler came over from Lee Street High
I hope to see them again in that reunion in the sky

Al James was a smart and friendly guy
He always looked spiffy in that blazer and tie
I worked on a farm with my classmate Sharon Varnedore
Now Al and Sharon rests by that golden shore

Our four senior class sponsors gave us much advice
Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Broome, Mr. Moore and Mr. Henderson were wise
Less than 100 were in my graduating class
I remember paying five dollars for a tank of gas

The years that have rolled by since that graduation night
Have flown away like a March wind blown kite
O that I could turn back the hands of time
When I was a senior and a coke cost a dime.

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier, Class of 1970

Friday, May 20, 2005



Jeremiah 29 verse 11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

I have been serving the Lord for over 18 years. I am not just a Sunday church goer; I have a daily relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I remember the day the Lord called me aside, and said "I want you to work for me. I will be with you and I will use you in great ways." I said, "Lord, why don't you choose someone else, someone with more theological background and experience?" He replied, "I have chosen you and I will be with you." The next morning I awoke at 5:00 AM, and the Lord spoke to me and said, "Turn on the TV." I did, and there was Gomer , of the Gomer Pyle TV show saying, "Don't choose me, choose someone more experienced." They chose him to be on a recruiting poster, and on the corner of the recruiting picture of Gomer was an eye, Sergeant Carter's eye overlooking him. The Lord spoke to me through this and said, "Just like Sergeant Carter overlooking Gomer, my all seeing eye will be overlooking you."

Since that 1987 experience, the Lord has used me in many ways. During this time, I have experienced many crushed hopes and dreams. Often, plans that I thought would work out, didn't. I've experienced the hopelessness of poverty, the stigma of rejection, the burden of being a single parent, the pain of loneliness, and more. I've had my share of sickness, and heartbreak of losing loved ones. I've been wounded beside the road, bruised, knocked down, shot at, cursed out, and falsely accused. I would have some mountaintop experiences and then things happened that brought me crashing to the ground. I've had my seasons with the darkness of depression. I've stood silently by and watched others prosper and gain recognition while I floundered in hopeless circumstances. All of these trials caused me to turn to my Lord in prayer, search the scriptures, and humbled me down to recognize without Him, I am nothing. I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he loves and cares for me.

Many times I would read about the Apostle Paul and some of the things he had suffered. I read how the Lord delivered him and was with him. One of my favorite scriptures is Acts Chapter 27 verse 20 "And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away." During some of my deepest trials, I would feel this way. Then I read verse 25, "Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told to me." Paul had prayed, and the Lord promised deliverance, and it came to pass.

The Lord has graciously given me a gift of writing so I could share with others the great things he has done in my life. Jesus suffered many things, Paul suffered many things, and others have too. These sufferings draw us closer to our Savior, and makes us realize that God is in control of the affairs of men. The Lord has delivered me from many trials, rescued me when I was about to sink, provided for me in miraculous ways, and answered many, many prayers. He allowed me to write a book, My Walk with the Lord, that records testimonies of how he has worked in my life. I have learned, beyond a shadow of doubt, even if I did not understand, that the Lord has a time and a purpose for everything under heaven.

Are your hopes crushed? Is your world falling apart? Are you in circumstances beyond your control? Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Jeremiah 29 verses 12 and 13 "Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye search for me with all your heart."

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, May 19, 2005



Acts 28 verse 3 "And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand."

One Saturday morning, I read this amazing account about the Apostle Paul being bit on the hand by a venomous snake. The barbarous people who knew nothing about the power of God were watching. In their past experience, everyone who had been bitten by this type of snake had died. They watched closely as Paul shook off the beast in the fire. When they saw that no harm had came to him, they decided he was not a murderer but a god. Paul then prayed for and laid hands on the Chief's father who was sick of a fever and the bloody flux. The man was healed, and the power of God was manifested in a special way.

After I had read this, I went outside under my barn and was bitten on the hand by a black wasp. Within a few seconds, I had an allergic reaction, and could barely walk to the house. I went inside, and crawled to the living room (my legs were beginning to have no feeling and I couldn't walk). I lay on my back, and began to pray, "Lord, help me." Immediately, the Lord brought to my mind the passage of scripture I had just read about Paul being bitten on the hand. I raised my hand, and shook it. As I did so, the pain fled, and I immediately arose to my feet, walked, and praised God. What he has done for others, he will do for you.

What is your viper? Shake him off into the fire.

Acts 28 verse 5 "And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm."

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e



Lord I recall your miracles when I am down and out
How the walls of Jericho fell at only a shout
The Red Sea parted at your command
Then Moses led your children to the promise land

You turned ordinary water into wine
You multiplied the fishes and bread and said come and dine
Peter walked on water when you bid him come to you
The whole world could not contain the miracles you did do

Elijah, Elisha, Peter and Paul performed miracles galore
Paul's ship was destroyed but all 276 came safe to shore
These humble men of faith did great acts in your behalf
Miracles that turned sorrow to joy and made men laugh

I remember how Joseph was sold as a slave
How Elijah was depressed and hid in a cave
They both turned to you in their despair
You gave them strength and showed them you did care

Nehemiah was charged with rebuilding Jerusalem's wall
In an incredible 52 days he built it strong and tall
You strengthened Gideon's faith by the sign of the fleece
With an army of 300, he defeated the enemy and had peace

You still perform miracles in this present time
I remember how you provided when I didn't have a dime
Lord I know that faith and belief in you is a must
Nothing is impossible with you, in you I trust

Copyright 2005, Irvin L. Rozier

Tuesday, May 17, 2005



The LORD raises up people for different reasons
The Bible records stories of times and seasons
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jonah and Esther are a few
Of those that God raised up, his bidding to do
How about Stephen, James, John, Peter and Paul
To do his work on earth, on them God did call

Brother Daniel was born and lived to record
Much about prayer and the workings of the LORD
He wrote that in the last days knowledge would increase
After he finished chapter 12, God let him rest in peace
Malachi was a prophet born to preach and write
His four chapters point to the dawning of a new light

In our present year of two thousand and five A.D.
God still raises up people like you and me
To do his work in such a time like this
To point others to Jesus so heaven they won't miss
Knowledge has increased and many are running to and fro
God's word is truth, this one thing I know

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Saturday, May 14, 2005



I've tried my hand at many a thing
I've even wrote a song that I did sing
But one day the Lord called me aside
He said work for me, I'll be your guide

Men ask me what kind of work do you do
What is your profession, your boss is who
I've been a soldier, a farmer, and a teacher
Also an author, a carpenter, and a preacher

I've waited on the Lord to do his bidding
My work for him to others has been hidden
Working for Jesus, the King of all kings
Is an honor and a privilege and great joy brings

I can do nothing on my own
You without sin cast the first stone
In the eyes of the world, my work seems in vain
But in heaven above great treasures I gain

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, May 12, 2005


This poem is based on a true event that happened May 11 and May 12, 2005

God's promises are yes and amen
He said wondrous signs he would send
Yesterday evening I was hoeing my garden
A gentle refreshing sweet rain was falling

I stopped a moment to take a rest
A light wind was blowing from the west
I looked at the sky and saw a wondrous sight
A double rainbow with colors so bright

Verse 11 of Psalm 62 came to my mind
Power belongs unto God, he's good and kind
He placed the rainbow as a token
Of his promise to Noah, it won't be broken

This morning I was standing by my pecan tree
The thing that I saw was amazing to me
Snow on the ground during the month of May
Reminded me of the manna he sent each day

Hast thou entered into the treasures of snow
God asked this question to Job, you know
The ground was warm yet the snow was cold
God owns everything, the silver and the gold

The beauty displayed by God in the bow
Encouraged my heart as my faith in him did grow
The snow on the ground was pure and white
Like Jesus his son, he is the truth and the light

Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e


This is part three of a radio sermon I preached in 1994.

Luke 6 verse 37 "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:"

If somebody wrongs you, our Bible tells us we have to forgive them. If you wrong someone, you need to ask for forgiveness. Something happened to me over two years ago at a church. This particular church was having a series of meetings..."revival" it is called. The singing was great and the evangelist started preaching; he went on and on and on. Finally, the invitation song was being sung, and there, on the back bench nearby me was an old man. At the invitation song, the old man got up and went out the door. The Lord spoke to me, and said, "Go see about him." So, I too, got up and went out. I found him, he had lost control of his bladder, and his pants was wet. He was so upset, he couldn't even find his car. I helped him, reassured him, and prayed for him. He had lost his wife and was missing her. About three months later, this man went on to be with Jesus. As I prayed for him that night, the love and compassion of Jesus was so real and so strong.

The next night at the "revival", the evangelist stated, "Y'all should have been here last night. I had them under conviction so bad, they were running out the back door!" The "y'all" he referred to was the old man and me. Recently, I called this evangelist, and told him what had happened. He was very contrite and humbled by what I told him. I had already forgiven him because I knew what the Lord did that night.

1 Corinthians Chapter 12 speaks of spiritual gifts given by the Spirit: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles,prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues. You must be a willing vessel for the Lord to give you those spiritual gifts for use in the building up of his kingdom.

Irvin L. Rozier

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


This is part two (part one previously posted) of a radio sermon I preached in 1994.

Last Wednesday, the Lord began to trouble my soul about all the unsaved people that were walking around, unconcerned that their souls were in danger. I had heard this song, "Jesus Is Coming Soon", and when the verse "many shall meet their doom" was sung, my heart began to break. I could just picture thousands upon thousands rushing headlong into the pit, without anyone telling them about the saving grace of Jesus. My soul was troubled, and this lasted from Wednesday through Saturday, the night I stayed up and prayed for lost souls. I was so burdened, all I could do was cry and groan within my spirit. The Bible states in Matthew chapter 26 verses 36, 37, and 38 "Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me."

Jesus gave us an example to follow. Our souls need to be sorrowful and very heavy. Are you sorrowful about the condition of your family? Are you sorrowful about the condition of your church? Are you willing to give up everything so that God can bring forth revival? Are you willing to pray all night? I was praying all that Saturday night with a spirit of heaviness I have never before had. The Lord sent some people by to comfort and pray with me. The spirit of God fell down on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 by the water well at Shiloh church, the oldest church in our county. The spiritual water started flowing, and I knew the Lord had answered my prayers and lifted this prayer burden.

Monday morning, I received a phone call from a woman I had been praying for and witnessing to for over seven years. She said, "I got saved Saturday night, I asked Jesus to come into my heart." Then several other people who I had been praying for and witnessing to called and asked for prayer. Revival and souls added to the kingdom comes about when your heart is broken over the condition of the lost. Are you willing to earnestly pray for the lost?

Irvin L. Rozier, author of My walk with the Lord,

Monday, May 09, 2005



Jubilation was heard throughout the land
World War II had ended, strike up the band
The conflict was fierce and lasted for years
Victory was won can't you hear the cheers

Sixty years has slipped by since Victory Day
Many of those veterans have already passed away
Since the end of the war the world has changed so much
Where are all those people who used to go to church

Church doors were left open during the war
People entered to pray through the unlocked door
Prayers were heard and answered on VE day
For Victory in Japan the folks continued to pray

Finally the conflict ended and there was peace
The rumble of bombs and noise of gunfire did cease
In the Bible the Lord speaks of times of peace and war
Victory was won and World War II was no more

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier, author of My Walk with the Lord,, various other articles and poems, aka walkin2e

Saturday, May 07, 2005


I wrote most of this on May 6, 2005, while watching my grandson, Dusty Sturges, and my great-nephew, Thomas Thigpen playing. Thank you Lord, for these blessings.

I'm sitting on a bench in our city park
The day is fading fast, it's almost dark
Children are laughing, playing and swinging
I can hear some mockingbirds singing

My small town is quite old
Many tales about our park can be told
The tennis court is in disarray
Where years ago this sport I did play

The War Memorials stand silent as a reminder
Of the sacrifices paid to make our world kinder
The nearby train depot was busy in the past
I remember riding the passenger train, what a blast

Our small city park has hosted many events
Not much rent is charged, just a few cents
Weddings, carnivals, reunions and prayer meetings
Where you were met with a smile and warm greetings

Blackshear, Georgia is where our park is at
Come on down, hang up your hat
Only five traffic lights in our little town
God has blessed us, come on down

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e, author of My Walk with the Lord,

Friday, May 06, 2005


1. My Mama died on 7 Jan 2001...I was happy for her because she had suffered so much but was now free of all pain and sorrow. She went to be with Jesus. I remember the last meal she cooked for me before she got so sick. She could hardly perform this task, but she wanted to cook one more meal for her only son. It was a simple meal as I recall..ham, biscuits, butterbeans, tomatoes, and a piece of cake. It was so good because she made an extreme effort to do this for me...I had sweet tea, too..with ice. I love you mama, and miss you.

2. My other one is Mother's Day, 1988. I was a single parent Dad with three children. My youngest daughter was in the third grade, and I went to pick her up from school that Friday before Mother's day. She handed me a home made Mother's day card...I was her mother and father. I still have that precious card.

3. Mother's day 1989...I grow sunflowers in my garden and they usually are in full bloom by Mother's day (not this year 2005 tho..too wet). My oldest sister taught elementary school. I picked about 75 of these beautiful, bright yellow sunflowers and carried them to my sister. She gave all her classroom children one to take to their Mom's. What I recall is seeing them small children lined up to catch that yellow school bus with the bright yellow sunflowers in their hands.

Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Seasons of Prayer

1 Thessalonians 5.17: "Pray without ceasing."

Over the past 18 plus years, this scripture verse has been my motto. Daniel prayed three times a day. David prayed, Moses prayed, Paul prayed, and many other heroes of faith recognized the importance of prayer. In fact, if these two words were inscribed on my tombstone, "He prayed", that would be my testimony.

God hears and answers the prayers of his children. Although the enemy works hard to prevent answers from coming, if you pray under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, you can be assured that your prayer was in accordance with God's will. I was facing some particularly difficult trials and I prayed for the Lord's help. That evening, I read the tenth chapter of Daniel where he was praying for 21 days about an urgent matter. An angel came and told Daniel that from the very first day he began to pray, his words were heard but a spiritual warfare ensued with the prince of the kingdom of Persia, the chief principality of Satan over that country. The angel had to call Michael, one which stands guard over Daniel's people (Israelites), to come help. When I read that passage of scripture and the first verse of Daniel, chapter 12, I realized I was in a battle. As I meditated on God's word, the Holy Spirit quickened me when I said, "By adoption, I am a child of Israel, Lord send Michael to help."

That night I drifted off to sleep and had a vivid dream. In this dream, I was fighting many demons. I was losing the battle and called on the Lord. I said, "Help me, Jesus, send Michael to help me." About that time, I saw a platoon (about 30) of soldiers marching towards me. They were dressed up in Army Blue Dress uniforms. The head one came up to me, rendered a hand salute, and said, "Michael reporting as ordered, sir." In my dream, I could clearly see his name tag and the Chief Warrant Officer Four (the highest warrant officer rank at that time) bars on his shoulders. I said, "Chief, I need help." He turned to his platoon and gave the command, "Round them up, boys." In short order, the demons were captured and herded into a white bus that had "PRISONERS" written on it. I woke from my dream and had sweet peace and victory in this battle. What a mighty God we serve!

Later, I met two men who believed strongly in the power of prayer. Their names were Michael (Mike) and Daniel (Dan). Ironic, isn't it? As I'm writing this, it still amazes me that here I am writing about Daniel and Michael and prayer, and God sent me two friends named the same!

Well, Mike was more like a David in his praying. He was a great singer, like David, and had a heart after God. Dan was more like Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. As Dan took his burdens to the Lord, he would begin to weep. As the tears would flow and the words of prayer came brokenly, you could see and feel the intensity of his prayers.

We three had many a season of prayer. Sometimes it would be just Mike and me, and sometimes just Dan and me. Other times all three of us we come together to pray. None of us were perfect. Like Paul, we all can say, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." However, God looks at the intent and purposes of the heart.

I want to tell you about one example of prayer for each of my friends. Mike called one night. He was facing some really rough trials and had been struggling in prayer. He lived about seven miles from me and he wanted to meet me at the Huddle House to have a cup of coffee and fellowship. Before I left the house, the Lord spoke and said, "Take that Bible, that small one that contains both the old and new testament, and bring it with you. I've got a word for Mike."

I met him a few minutes later, and as we drank our coffee, I said, "Mike, the Lord has a word for you." I pulled out my Bible, opened it to II Kings 13.15, "And Elisha said unto him, Take bow and arrows. And he took unto him bow and arrows." As tears filled his eyes when I spoke these words, Mike said, "Before I left my house, the Lord told me to put my bow and arrows in my truck. They are out there now." I said, "Let's go. We got to go out to a secluded place , pray, and replay exactly what Elisha and Joash did (II Kings 13.15-17). We did, and when that last arrow headed toward the sky, Mike shouted for joy as the Spirit of God moved on him and gave him assurance of victory!

I received a late night call about four years ago. It was Dan. he was in the hospital because of stomach problems. His bowels had burst. He was really in bad shape. As I went into the intensive care unit, where his family were gathered around him, he feebly greeted me and began to talk. He said, "Brother, I ain't gonna make it this time. I'm ready to go, and I told my wife I wanted you to say a few words at my funeral." I looked at him and said, "Dan, God ain't through with you yet, you still have a work to do," I put my hands on him and began to pray. I asked God to mend those places where the surgery had been done and to raise him up.

In about two days, he went home. Although he was weak, the Lord began to slowly mend him. He had additional surgery later to remove the bag the doctor's had placed there for his bodily functions. As I'm writing this, Brother Dan has fully recovered and is still working, praying and serving God.

Both Mike and Dan have prayed for me often. I appreciate them and may God richly recompense their labors for him.

James 5.16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Irvin L. Rozier, aka, walkin2e, author of My walk with the Lord,


This is part of a message I preached on the radio in 1994.

The other day, I was picking up pecans. I picked up one pecan that was especially beautiful...the shell was perfect, the coloring was was so pretty. I decided to crack it open and eat it. Imagine my disappointment when I cracked that beautiful (on the outside) pecan open and there was nothing inside but a little rotten kernel. A few days before, I heard a man talking about a 45 year old Vietnam veteran that lived in a small town in the Midwest. Seems like he was a war hero. he had medals all over his fact, at ceremonies, they would call on him to speak. Some of the older veterans became suspicious of him, and did some checking on his background. They found out he had never joined the Army!

The pecan I cracked and the Vietnam war hero had two things in common...they were beautiful on the outside, but were rotten on the inside...both were fakes. There are many "Christians" or "Church goers" who fall in the same category. They look real, act real, but have never accepted Jesus in their heart. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Are you a real Christian or are you a fake?

Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e, author of My Walk with the Lord,

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I woke up this morning and sensed a change
A new direction for me the Lord is about to arrange
Many obstacles and hills have been in my way
Today is the third day of the month of May

I've been hindered and oppressed for many years
I've had many doubts and my share of fears
The Lord has heard my anguished cries
He has seen my tears and took note of my sighs

Jesus knows how many burdens I can take
He will intervene and make a way of escape
I know his word is strength and truth
I read in the Bible how he blessed sister Ruth

I hear the sound of an abundance of rain
The joy of a new birth is worth the labor pain
The Lord has said there are times and seasons
For everything under heaven, he has his reasons

Thank you Lord for your goodness to me
The light at the end of the tunnel I can see
Those heavy burdens and trials will be in my past
You said for only a season they would last

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e