Troubles During the Last Days
2 Timothy 3 verse 1: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come".
I have been a born again Christian since January 3, 1987. Since that time, I have experienced many trials, troubles, and tribulations. I have been in the valley of despair, and I have risen to the mountaintop of glory. During all this time, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has sustained me. He gave me strength when I was weak; gave me hope when all hope was gone; when disappointments in life came, He was with me, and gave me grace to continue on in life. For the past 20 years, I have prayed many a prayer, saw miraculous answers, delayed answers, and no answers...yet I know my Jesus hears and answers my prayers. I have preached at hundreds of places, written many articles and poems, ministered to many people, raised my children, played, laughed, cried, mourned, and loved.
The more I walk this earth, the more I realize that I am just a stranger and pilgrim here, and that my true home waits in heaven. I didn't have a computer until 2004, and since then, I have read many a prayer request, many testimonies, and many stories of trials, troubles and tribulations. People all over the world are struggling...marital problems, financial problems, health issues, family problems, drug abuse, spouse abuse, and on and on. I have prayed for many of these people, and have seen the Lord work in their lives. Others have hardened their hearts, and have rejected the Lord.
As of today, May 12, 2007, it seems as if troubles are increasing on every hand. There are wars, and rumors of wars, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, drought, famine, floods, volcanoes, and more. The world, it seems, is turning at a faster pace. Information, knowledge, and news is instantly shared (reminds me of Daniel 12 verse 4: "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased"). I don't know how many millions of pieces of information are daily added to the internet, but whatever the number remains an amazing fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy.
As I look around, and try to understand all that is happening, I have come to the conclusion that indeed, perilous times are here, and that the dawning of a new day is rapidly approaching. The Bible's pages contain predictions of these days, and clearly points to a time when Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, will come back to this earth.
Yes, we are living in troublesome times but we can have hope for a brighter tomorrow. King Solomon, who was the wisest man who ever walked the face of this earth, penned these beautiful words in Ecclesiastes, Chapter 12 verse 13: "let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man".
Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e