My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Thursday, July 28, 2005



There is no way of learning faith except by trial
Stedfastly trusting Jesus as you walk that lonely mile
Faith is the substance of things hoped and prayed for
Holding on to Jesus while the storms around you roar

Trials that come your way put your faith to the test
Causes you to tremble and robs you of your zest
In your weakened state you call upon his name
The one named Jesus who heals the sick and lame

You may be in God's school of faith this very day
Weeping as others are singing, even too weak to pray
Your situation and circumstances seem too much to bear
Surrounded by difficulties as you eat your meager fare

Hebrews 11 tells of graduates from God's faith school
They trusted God even though they were called a fool
They realized that they were strangers in this land
God had their names engraved in his loving hand

The lessons learned in God's school of faith are priceless
He gives you grace to endure your trials and heavy stress
One day you will see clearly the results of your faith test
When he speaks the word and says enter into your rest

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Tuesday, July 26, 2005



The Bible tells about the prophet Elijah and his story
When his work on earth was done God took him to glory
Other prophets of old were instruments in God's hands
They brought God's words to people in many lands

A prophet marches to the sound of God's voice
The message he brings causes many to rejoice
He is often misunderstood and abused by scorners
And is often seen in the company of mourners

Sometimes he sighs and weeps over the state of affairs
He often prays to God and has many burdens he bears
His sleep is disturbed by divine dreams and visions
He seeks God's wisdom and will when making decisions

The office of prophet is very special indeed
To his words the people need to take heed
The message he brings is not one of his own
But the words are from God who is on his throne

The Lord still has prophets like those men of old
They are filled with the spirit and are very bold
The Lord has said do my prophets no harm
Listen to their words as they sound the alarm

Jesus Christ is coming back and very soon
The sun and stars will change so will the moon
Be prepared to meet your maker this I do say
It may be your time to die this very day

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Monday, July 25, 2005


I noticed my book is now carried by 39 bookstores...check this out:

Irvin L. Rozier


I, too, once faced unemployment..I was a faithful "tither", and I might add, a single parent Dad (3 children) who taught Sunday School...My small country church had $100,000 in the black. Pride stood in my way of asking for help, yet the Lord put me in that situation for his glory. My church gave us a food basket, and a $100. Later, I preached a sermon on this...because in my food basket was some old food the dogs wouln't even eat. My sermon point was that when you gave to the needy, give things you would eat. If you eat steak, give some steak..if you eat pork n beans, give some of those. I also pointed out that the church had a $100,000 (saving for a rainy day, I suppose), had given us $100 when we could have used $1000....yet the Lord provided for us, and made a way.

Later on, I had some extra money and asked the Lord who to give it to. He told me to ride down to the local dumpster...I did, and there, was an elderly lady digging through the trash. The Lord spoke to me, and said, "give her that money"...I did, and she broke out with praises to see, her son, whom she hadn't seen in several years, was coming home for Thanksgiving. She was trying to find something in the trash she could sell so she could buy a turkey and the trimmings for a good meal for him. I told this in a church, and the pastor said, "You was wrong! That money belonged to the church>" Well, I am sorry to say, that money belonged to God, and he wanted me to give it to that elderly woman.

By the way, I have been preaching for over 18 years at Nursing Homes...I once received a penny for an offering, and a few times received a soda cracker, a cookie, a sticker, or a piece of candy...Those people don't tithe, yet the LORD loves them greatly.

Everything, not just 10%, belongs to God.

My 2 cents worth.

Irvin L. Rozier, aka walkin2e

Thursday, July 21, 2005



2 Kings 2 verse 14 "And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither and Elisha went over."

I have been meditating on this passage of scripture for the last several days. Chapter two of 2 Kings tells the story of Elijah's last day on earth, before the chariot of fire took him in a whirlwind. Elisha was to be Elijah's replacement, and he was journeying with Elijah to several places. He refused to leave Elijah's side and knew that particular day would be Elijah's last on earth. Several other prophets also knew that Elijah was going to be taken by the was no secret to them. They even asked Elisha if he knew but he told them to hold their peace and say nothing about it. Elijah performed his last miracle when he took his mantle, smote the waters of the river Jordan, and they parted. When they crossed the Jordan, Elijah asked Elisha what he could do for him. Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit, and Elijah said, "Thou hast asked a hard thing" (reminds me of the fact to get a portion of the spirit cost something...trials, testings, troubles, faith exercised, heartaches, misunderstandings, etc). Suddenly, a chariot of fire appeared, parted Elijah and Elisha, and then...Elijah was gone with the wind.

Elijah's mantle fell from him, Elisha took it up, smote the waters with it, and said "Where is the LORD God of Elijah?". The LORD God of Elijah answered Elisha's prayer, and the waters parted.

The LORD God of Elijah and Elisha is our LORD God. His power and authority are still the same today as yesterday. I know it would appear foolish to some for a grown man to strike the waters with his coat, yet this act of faith created a great miracle. The question that keeps going through my mind is "Where is the LORD God of Elijah?" We need him more today than we did yesterday. What does it take to have some of the spirit of Elijah? My prayer is that the LORD God of Elijah would show himself strong in our behalf.

2 Chronicles 16 verse 9 "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars."

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier



The act of prayer is surrounded with much mystery
Prayer to God can change the course of history
Men first began to call on God many years ago
This is recorded in Genesis four and 26 you know

I don't know whose prayer to God was the first
Maybe it was for water to quench a mighty thirst
But I thank the Lord that this one paved the way
So many others who followed can to God pray

Saints' prayers are full of odors stored in golden vials
Some are ones I prayed during my troubles and trials
Angels add incense to these prayers of the saints
They are presented to God who never slumbers or faints

At times I've prayed and the Lord answered right away
At times I've prayed and the answer never came my way
But I will keep on praying to God who reigns on high
The answer will come today, tomorrow or bye and bye

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Saturday, July 16, 2005



I always plant a large garden every year
Once my watermelons were ate by a deer
A bountiful garden comes once in a while
Gives food on the table and makes me smile

I plant watermelons, corn, squash, and peas
The sunflowers I plant are food for the bees
I once grew cantaloupes as sweet as honey
Once my squash was zucchini, it was funny

Many times my gardens have survived drought
A few times it drowned, O how I did pout
Despite the weather, the insects and the weeds
I'll plant my garden with a variety of seeds

Those tiny seeds will spring from the ground
O my I spy another fire ant mound
It's a battle to have a bountiful harvest
But each year I plant and pray for the best

I know gardens are a gift from above
I plant mine with care and tend it with love
The garden of Eden was planted by God
I wonder how he felt as he worked the sod

This year I ate some silver queen corn
I picked it from my garden one Friday morn
Straight from the stalk to the pot it went
That sweet corn was worth the effort spent

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Thursday, July 14, 2005



Jeremiah 6.16 "Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, we will not walk therein."

Today, Wednesday, July 12, 2005, I rode by my old home church, Youmans Chapel. Seeing the church brought back many fond memories.

The year was 1959, and I was in the second grade. The members of Youmans Chapel Baptist church called my Daddy, the late Rev. A.J. Rozier, to be their pastor. This small country church was located in a farming community and the congregation was made up of some down to earth folks. We sang hymns out of the old hymnal...I can still hear the song leader say, "Get your song book and turn to page 57 and let's all sing Amazing Grace like we mean it." Some of the other songs that still ring in my ears are "On the Jericho Road", "Camping in Canaanland", "Just a Little Talk with Jesus", and "I'll Fly Away". Several of the congregation could really sing and the piano player sure could rattle them keys. Back in those days, we didn't have nurseries and such, so babies and all the little children sat with their parents. Daddy was a bi-vocational preacher...he also sold furniture. He knew that God had called him to preach and pastor at Youmans Chapel. I can see him now, standing behind that wooden pulpit, delivering a message to the hungry congregation...a message straight from the throne of God.

We had a few small Sunday School rooms, but we had no social hall. The sanctuary was not air-conditioned, so we used those hand-held cardboard fans to ward off the heat of the hot Georgia summertime. We did have two gas space heaters for the cold of the wintertime. After all week revivals, we would have Sunday dinner spead on tables set up under the towering pine trees. Man, there sure was some good home cooked food and deserts at those Sunday eatings! After dinner, we would go back into the church and have special singing. I immensely enjoyed hearing those good old gospel songs even though I was a small child. Daddy preached at Youmans Chapel until mid 1965, and then was called to another church. The Lord called Daddy home in 1966..he was 40.

Some of the families who attended Youmans Chapel were kin to each other, and to Mr. Youmans, who donated the land for the church. I fondly recall the Carters, Youmans, Eatons, Godwins, Howells, Pittmans, Bowens, Moores, Battens, Dowlings, Harpers and Bryants. All these folks hold a special place in my heart. Sister Margaret Bacon played the piano, and her husband, Gene, was a close friend of my Daddy's. Those two could really sing, and they had beautiful children. Brother Gene and my Daddy are now singing around the throne.

I helped David Pittman, whose Daddy S.L. was a deacon, with his farm. David grew tobacco, corn, soybeans, pecans and raised hogs. We worked hard but had fun working and we always ate good dinners. David's wife, Ruby, his Mama. Mrs. Pittman, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Harper, took turns cooking for us. We ate like kings! When Wednesday rolled around, we always knocked off early so we could go to prayer meeting. They were well attended and the Lord answered many a prayer put up at these meetings.

When I was 19, I joined the Army and stayed for several years. Whenever I would come home on leave, I would visit with my old friends at Youmans Chapel. In 1987, I was released from the Army and moved back home. My three children and I (I was a single parent) started attending Youmans Chapel. I taught Sunday School and sometimes would preach...behind that very same pulpit where my Daddy had once stood. The pastor, Rev. Lowell Lee, was a spirit filled man of God, and greatly encouraged me to preach God's word. Later, Brother Lee, retired, and then the Lord moved me to other places. I no longer attended Youmans Chapel, yet I would go there on occasion. The last time I preached from that old pulpit was New Year's Eve, 1993, at a watch night service. There were only a few of us there, but the presence of the Lord was very special that night.

Now the old church sanctuary is mostly used for the youth. A big new building, including many Sunday School rooms, a large social hall, pastor's office, reception area, and more sits on some of the land where I used to help David farm. Most of the farms in that community are no longer there. In fields where acres of crops once grew stands subdivisions. The Youmans Chapel community has rapidly filled with people and I hope the church is still a shining light on that small hill. Things change, people come and go, but the Lord changes not. Sometimes I feel like change is not for the that old expression "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Yes, as I rode by the church, I remembered my childhood days, that small sanctuary full of people of all ages, lifting their voices to heaven as they sang about Jesus. Times were less complicated then, and in my humble opinion, churches were, too.

"O, I'd like to go back to that old country church, to hear them songs of praise...I'm redeemed by love divine, glory, glory, Christ is mine, all to Him I know resign, I have been redeemed. In the sweet, by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore."

Isaiah 46.9 "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,"

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier `AKA walkin2e



There is nothing too hard for God to do
What he has done in the past he will do for you
He gave Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age
"Impossible" acts are recorded in the Bible, page after page

Lions' mouths were closed and prison doors flew open
Large armies were defeated with just a few men
When men called out to God in their distress
He did more than they asked for and not less

My situation is impossible I can hear you say
There is no hope why should I pray
My answer to you is to have faith and don't doubt
Trust in the Lord and he will surely bring you out

Is the obstacle you are facing solid as a brick wall
It will crumble to dust if upon Him you will call
Nothing is too hard for God and his mighty power
God changed languages when men built the Babel tower

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Friday, July 08, 2005


Psalm 23 verse 4: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

Luke 12 verses 4 and 5: "And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him."

Matthew 10 verse 28 "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

James 4 verses 13 and 14 "Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain. Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Are you prepared to meet your Maker?

Irvin L. Rozier, Captain (Ret) US Army, Chaplain of American Legion Post 181 aka walkin2e

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Liquid Love
One dark night I received the gift of liquid love
It was sent straight from heaven above
My heart was filled with love overflowing
I was so joyful my face was glowing

I'll tell you what happened that wonderful night
The scales from my eyes were lifted as I saw the light
Jesus came into my heart and saved my soul
Filled me with his liquid love and made me whole

Words cannot describe the love that I felt
When I surrendered all to him as I humbly knelt
To be loved by family and friends is a wonderful thing
But to be loved by Jesus made my heart sing

To know that Jesus loved me made me happy and free
That he could love me so much was a miracle to me
His liquid love that came and filled my heart
Washed away my past and gave me a new start

Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e

Monday, July 04, 2005



Habakkuk 2 verse 3: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

Have you ever had a vision from God? Have you ever had a clear word from God that he is going to do something? Do the months and years roll by without the vision being fulfilled? Have you almost gave up on your vision? Has the devil whispered to you, "God didn't give you a vision, God didn't speak to you, you might as well give up....look at you, waiting for something that is not going to happen."

Well, my friend, I am here to tell you that God is not man; He does not lie. All throughout the Bible, stories are recorded of men and women who have received a vision or clear word from God but they had to wait for it to be fulfilled. Time does not permit me to tell the full stories of Noah, how he found grace in the eyes of the Lord, received a clear word from God but had to wait days and years for the word to be fulfilled. How about Abraham and Sarah? God gave them a clear word that they were going to have a son although this seemed impossible. Sarah even laughed at the thought. Yet God fulfilled his word at the right time. How about Moses, who had to wait 40 years for his vision to be fulfilled? He was humbled in the wilderness before he could assume the position that God had created for him. I could go on and on about clear words from the Lord, visions and dreams, and answers to prayers that were delayed for God's purposes.

I say to you, hold on to your vision, your word from the Lord. It will surely come to pass. These little five words are recorded often in the Bible "And it came to pass". God's time is always perfect, although we may not understand why he is delaying. Remember how Lazarus lay cold in the grave for four days but then Jesus came and raised him from the dead? It appeared too late for Lazarus, but God received the glory. For with God nothing shall be impossible.

In 1987, I received a clear word, yes, even a vision from the Lord. This vision has not yet been fulfilled, but I feel in my spirit that the time for it to happen is rapidly approaching. Please pray that the Lord would renew this vision, confirm this vision, and that it would be fulfilled. Your word from the Lord, too, will be fulfilled. Solomon said it well in Ecclesiastes, "There is a time and a purpose for everything under heaven". May the Lord's will be done in earth as it is in heaven.

Isaiah 30 verse 18: "And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him."

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier


Patience is a fine virtue sought by many
Many fortunes were made starting with a penny
While in the Army I had to hurry up and wait
Many have had to wait for the right mate

All of our days are filled with waiting times
We wait while the cashier counts the dimes
There is no reason to get in a rush
We all have to wait, why make a fuss

A wise old man once said to me
Time goes by fast just wait and see
Before you know it you will be old and gray
Enjoy your youth, have fun and play

I know I can't control the times and seasons
Waiting times happen for many reasons
Wisdom comes from waiting on things
The wait is worth the prize it brings

Patience and endurance goes hand in hand
The long wait is over, strike up the band
It takes time to grow a large tree
But it is worth the wait its' beauty to see

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Sunday, July 03, 2005


A July Third Sunday In South Georgia

Sunday morning, July 3d, 2005, arrived in south was a humid morning, but the birds were singing, I could hear the distance church bell ringing. I made some coffee and drank a cup of it on my porch. I then went to the Lord in prayer, asking for his blessings as I was preparing to go preach at the nearby nursing home where I have preached for the last 17 years.

I arrived at the nursing home, and was warmly greeted by the residents. As the song, "O What a Savior" began to play on the stereo, the spirit of the Lord moved in a loving way. The feeble residents lifted their voices and hands as they sang along with the song. We played a few more, including "Touring That City", a wonderful song about heaven and the joys that await us.

I then opened the word of God, and spoke on 1 Samuel Chapter 12 verses 16-19. The children of Israel had wanted their own king like other nations...a human king instead of King Jesus. The Lord granted their requests and gave them King Saul but he also sent trouble in the land. Samuel, the man of God, prayed unto the Lord, and he sent thunder and rain, and all the people feared the Lord and Samuel...God's power was revealed in these thunders and lightnings, and made them realize that God indeed was in control of the affairs of earth.

I then went over to 1 Kings 3, verses 5-28, and talked about another king, one sent by God, named Solomon. Solomon realized that without the Lord, he was as a child and could not rule his people. In Gibeon, the Lord appeared unto Solomon in a dream and asked Solomon what could he give him. All Solomon asked for was wisdom and an understanding heart to judge his people. The speech Solomon made pleased God, and God granted his request and also gave him long life, and riches and honor...see, everything comes from the Lord. Mind you, all this was going on in a dream...yes, the Lord speaks to his children in dreams. Solomon awoke, and knew it was a dream. Then, his wisdom was put to the test when two women came to him for a decision about a child. Solomon judged rightly in the case, and all of Israel heard about it and they feared (respected) Solomon because they could see that the wisdom of God was with him. May the Lord God give us leaders of wisdom, and judges of understanding.

We closed in a prayer, especially for America, and I left to go to my brother-in-law's church.

I arrived at Ward Memorial and entered the sanctuary. It was decorated with a patriotic theme, and a veteran gave a demonstration of folding the flag, and read what the folds mean, and what the flag is all about. We had thirteen veterans present, including me, and all of us read a portion of the tribute to the flag. The congregation sang "America", and prayers were prayed. The preacher preached on Daniel Chapter 9, about Brother Daniel interceding in prayer for his beloved country. The main idea of the message is how we need to pray for our country, the troops and the leaders. It was a very uplifting and moving service and I had the honor to offer the closing prayer. The presence of the Lord was strong.

We then went to the social hall and had dinner and fellowship. It was a wonderful time in this little church. There were almost 100 folks there.

I cam home, took a nap, and then went outside to pick my tomatoes. My sister drove up in her golf cart and we talked about several things, including the state of affairs within our country. I picked my tomatoes, and then went to pick a few ears of sweet corn. As I washed off my fresh picked vegetables, I thanked God for the blessings on me, our land of liberty, and the fine family he has given me.

This is just a portion of my Sunday..I thought I would share.

2005 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e