My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


A July Third Sunday In South Georgia

Sunday morning, July 3d, 2005, arrived in south was a humid morning, but the birds were singing, I could hear the distance church bell ringing. I made some coffee and drank a cup of it on my porch. I then went to the Lord in prayer, asking for his blessings as I was preparing to go preach at the nearby nursing home where I have preached for the last 17 years.

I arrived at the nursing home, and was warmly greeted by the residents. As the song, "O What a Savior" began to play on the stereo, the spirit of the Lord moved in a loving way. The feeble residents lifted their voices and hands as they sang along with the song. We played a few more, including "Touring That City", a wonderful song about heaven and the joys that await us.

I then opened the word of God, and spoke on 1 Samuel Chapter 12 verses 16-19. The children of Israel had wanted their own king like other nations...a human king instead of King Jesus. The Lord granted their requests and gave them King Saul but he also sent trouble in the land. Samuel, the man of God, prayed unto the Lord, and he sent thunder and rain, and all the people feared the Lord and Samuel...God's power was revealed in these thunders and lightnings, and made them realize that God indeed was in control of the affairs of earth.

I then went over to 1 Kings 3, verses 5-28, and talked about another king, one sent by God, named Solomon. Solomon realized that without the Lord, he was as a child and could not rule his people. In Gibeon, the Lord appeared unto Solomon in a dream and asked Solomon what could he give him. All Solomon asked for was wisdom and an understanding heart to judge his people. The speech Solomon made pleased God, and God granted his request and also gave him long life, and riches and honor...see, everything comes from the Lord. Mind you, all this was going on in a dream...yes, the Lord speaks to his children in dreams. Solomon awoke, and knew it was a dream. Then, his wisdom was put to the test when two women came to him for a decision about a child. Solomon judged rightly in the case, and all of Israel heard about it and they feared (respected) Solomon because they could see that the wisdom of God was with him. May the Lord God give us leaders of wisdom, and judges of understanding.

We closed in a prayer, especially for America, and I left to go to my brother-in-law's church.

I arrived at Ward Memorial and entered the sanctuary. It was decorated with a patriotic theme, and a veteran gave a demonstration of folding the flag, and read what the folds mean, and what the flag is all about. We had thirteen veterans present, including me, and all of us read a portion of the tribute to the flag. The congregation sang "America", and prayers were prayed. The preacher preached on Daniel Chapter 9, about Brother Daniel interceding in prayer for his beloved country. The main idea of the message is how we need to pray for our country, the troops and the leaders. It was a very uplifting and moving service and I had the honor to offer the closing prayer. The presence of the Lord was strong.

We then went to the social hall and had dinner and fellowship. It was a wonderful time in this little church. There were almost 100 folks there.

I cam home, took a nap, and then went outside to pick my tomatoes. My sister drove up in her golf cart and we talked about several things, including the state of affairs within our country. I picked my tomatoes, and then went to pick a few ears of sweet corn. As I washed off my fresh picked vegetables, I thanked God for the blessings on me, our land of liberty, and the fine family he has given me.

This is just a portion of my Sunday..I thought I would share.

2005 Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e


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