My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


As a Christian, we have to remember the famous prayer of Jesus in John 17....He prayed for us and one of the statements he made was in verse 16 "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world".

In today's "world" of instant communications, Christian's too often get caught up in the things of the world.....We must remember that the world is not our home, we are just pilgrims and strangers here. If people like Parson Robertson and others would just remember this, and strive to add souls to the kingdom instead of wanting to get rid of them, our Savior and soon coming King would be better served.

This world is a wicked place...why? Because our adversary, the Devil, roams to and fro seeking who he may devour. He came to kill, steal and destroy...Jesus came to give life and give it more abundantly..

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face, and the things of the world will become strangely dim.

Lord Jesus, I pray for Mr. Robertson, and those who are too focused on the things of this world. I know, O Lord, that you are in control of the affairs of the world, and nothing happens without your permission. I ask, O Lord, that you raise up strong soldiers in your Army, ones that realize that flesh and blood are not our enemies, but our enemies are principalities, and powers of darkness. All people walking on this earth are known by you. You know your sheep, O Lord, and you also know those who are ruled by the prince of darkness. Strengthen your children, O Lord, for the battle; impart wisdom, knowledge and understanding, O Lord, I pray. May your perfect will be done in earth as it is in heaven.

Irvin L. Rozier, a soldier in God's Army


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