My Walk with the Lord

True stories about God's miracles and how He has blessed my life through trials and troubles. It touches on a range of topics from angels to single parenting, death, nursing homes. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed to see how much God really loves you.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005



Hurricane Katrina suddenly blossomed into a killer storm
The winds, waves, and storm surge were way above the norm
Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi this storm did ravage
The force of the waters and wind were fierce and mighty savage

The levee around New Orleans suffered a major breach
The murky flood waters to the rooftops did quickly reach
Many people lost their lives, possessions and their home
Some folks sought refuge in the New Orleans Superdome

One day things were normal as people walked around
The next day debris and water covered the ground
I can only imagine the great flood of Noah's day
When upon the whole earth the flood waters did lay

Why did this major disaster happen you may ask
To recover from this ordeal will be a major task
I believe Katrina came to remind us of God's power
That can topple the world's most well built tower

The Lord has said that all things work together for good
People are helping each other in their neighborhood
Hurricane Katrina has greatly affected the USA
The Louisiana Governor declared August 31 as a day to pray

The Bible story of Job tells of his woe and grief
When everything was taken from him by that old thief
Job stated that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away
He believed that God would help him see a better day

The Lord God controls the times and the seasons
For Hurricane Katrina he had his divine reasons
I pray that many people to the Lord God would turn
And from Hurricane Katrina many lessons learn

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier


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