Why Are Church Doors Locked?
Amen! I am old enough to remember when churches had no locks on their doors...The door was always open to any who felt a need to enter the sanctuary to pray or meditate on the Lord. I only know of one in my area that is still like that. It is a church beside the road over on US Highway 17 between Savannah and Brunswick, Georgia. The church is called "The Smallest Church in America". It is a beautiful little place, surrounded by towering moss draped live oak trees. It has a pulpit, stained glass windows, and holds about 12 people. The door is always unlocked, and many a traveler has entered into that peaceful little sanctuary.
I have been there several times, and prayed. People from all over write prayer requests, and as I read them, I saw how many people need the Lord in their lives. Once I was there, and a busload of disabled people pulled up. I stood behind that little pulpit and preached Jesus to them. They asked me to when they found out I was a preacher. How the presence of the Lord surrounded that little place that day! As we sang "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound", I recalled the days when I could enter the doors of my home church at any hour...without a key! The door was unlocked because we had faith that the Lord God Almighty could and would protect our church from thieves. Praise His name!
Irvin L. Rozier aka walkin2e
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